
Yeah, I think EVE is pretty much winner in the category ‘Coolest game ever that I will never play and am happy to not play it’

I like how the asset flips mostly look like some person’s online tutorial in 3d max’s progress.

So, I assume any reply to this will be in the lines of ‘Eh, account trading is illegal according to oru TOS and we can’t really check all the purchases. Sorry!’

I would have bombarded him to favourite player in the tournament if he would have made an appearance in front of the press after that and just , without a single smile, would have gone:

Yeah, that’s a solid point. I remember reading endorsements decay over time as well, so if the ‘a few times in a month’ people get endorsed, they will be back at 0 in the end anyways. Back in the cesspool of trolls that noone endorsed. 

I think this all is quite commendable of Activision.

Yeah, I felt the same way. I looked at the page and they are asking for some posters and such graphics wise. I never played the original game, so not really a fan, but I can see the attraction.

So people who got caught up in Sean’s initial mess of lies hype are now getting worked up about Sean’s ‘hinting’ all over again?

Yep, for single player games I try to resist the hype. Online I’m swayed a bit easier if my friends all pick up the game.

The statistics might even be foggier if one considers it might not even be that one game’s timed exclusivity is the selling point. It might just be to prevent/cause the idea to rise that one console has stuff way earlier than the other one.

Yeah, the company that brought in microtransactions because they could not deliver content fast enough. The company that takes forever to deliver any meaningful update. The company that sells expansions based of stuff they couldn’t get into their first game. the company that is massively behind the original plan to

It might be a bit of an age thing as well. I still play WoW and we have several women in our guild that raid with us. Most use voice and I personally have not seen any of this shit take place. But we’re a mature guild of folks working as teachers, salesmen and so on.

Yeah, I’ve browsed through an article and still get mails from the mailing list that I at times open. But with the prices of things, it’s not really tempting me to step into a half?-finished game.

Alot of the comments on Everquest here make me feel like the statement that they based that game of a MUD is all too true. I had a ton of fun playing the Discworld MUD where quests where more or less bonus content; things that had a fun story and solutions you had to find (quest solutions pages and such where illegal!

The pve bit has melee weapons. From hammers and swords to golfclubs and gardening rakes. So I guess there’s some reason they did not put these into the battle royale mode.

I think the only time I get the arcade box limit is when they add some pve mode to the arcade.
Yeah, I know, I’m an idiot for enjoying the pve stuff in a pvp game but I often don’t like the weird arcade modes they stuff in there especially because they are tied to a win. It’s just silly that the incentives to win for

I’ll make you an even better offer; I’ll bet the battle royale mode will have copious amounts of microtransactions as well!

I’d probably get virtual fear of heights before I even get halfway building such a thing :/

Yes, no campaign. They mentioned that they skipped the campaign to focus on ‘exciting new multiplayer features’ or some pr spin like this. AKA they traded in the campaign to make way for the battle royale.

And considering how EA and Activision deduce if something is a success; microtransactions pushed onto a full priced title do work.