Yeah, they’ve probably been looking at some charts indicating they have reached the point where there’s not much profit left to be gained from this.
Yeah, they’ve probably been looking at some charts indicating they have reached the point where there’s not much profit left to be gained from this.
shooters never hold my attention for too long seeing it is more a ‘side-genre’ for me. (which is also the reason why I am reading an article about a mobile fps cause that fits my urge to occasionally shoot stuff).
Yeah, some special snowflakes there that seemingly think that it is ok to insult everyone else, but to be insulted ....oh no!
Yep. That. Even in casual games the meta bleeds over, regardless of the game even. Same thing happened in WoW, bm hunters where considered utterly trash and class x,y and z where gods. Well, here’s the kicker. A bad class in the hands of a skilled player often beats a good class in the hands of a bad player.
I doubt Blizzard will stop selling OW in belgium. Right now the netherlands ruled against boxes that allow for a cash out, belgium against pretty much most gambling set up boxes, but it is likely that this will get adressed in the ueropean parlement. And from that point on one might well run into the whole of europe…
The dutch ruling used that as the criteria to find 4 out of the 10 games they investigated to be illegal. The belgian authorities picked overwatch though, which does not allow for a cash out.
While all the promised update stuff sounds pretty nice, I can’t really help but think that this is all shit that should have been in the game from the start. More than just skeleton enemies? Events? Some coop raid thing?
But it makes that annoying continues ‘p-thonk p-thonk p-thonk’ sound which makes me feel like i NEED to move fast!
Ugh, i always do that ‘want to pick up loot x but instead keep picking up slinger ammo Y to then drop slinger ammo z which I will end up picking up by accident again’
I am ok with deviljho because I just go in with my lance + guard setup which means he can no longer hit me at all. Tried this strat with Kirin and got murdered.
wait wait...i think I actually have that game...i remember the graphics...and not having to shoot 99 other, that all feels like ages ago now
yep. My friend is stuck on that quest as well and I personally dislike temp kirin so much that I’ve tried to avoid helping him.
Yep, C64. Just put in that tape and play.
All those people (whom already share most of their private info by putting it on instagram, twitter and facebook themselves) being angry at Zuckie, ranting in the chat room ....while at the same time Twitch stores all this data to pass it onto Cambridge Analytical 2.
Overwatch is about the only PVP game I occasionally play. I prefer PVE so these events are just ever so welcome for me. They also feel like a nice way to mess around with some other heroes for a bit; something I never quite do when engaging against other players.
Normal is fairly easy. It’s sort of the point. But on higher difficulties those heavies as well as the enforcers can become a far more nasty threat. Heck, even on normal those heavies take quite a few blows.
That is good to know. Cause I had the same issue once. The second time ofcourse I was sitting in the dropship as and the 3 idiots where just running around and eventually all 3 got murdered.
Yeah, there’s some big issues with switching on the whole with such a system. As Jeff said, some of the issues would be similar to WoW. People would sign up as a healer for lfr and when they get in, sneakily become a dps. Or getting in and just out right going ‘i don’t have a real tank spec, someone else do it’.
This should just be in every game. Yeah yea, achievements disable when you use this or such, fine by me. Sometimes I just like cheats for the fun of it. Other times to circumvent nuisances or frustrations
People seem to praise the social aspect of this game so much. But to me it just feels like what you would be left with if you took some pretty mmo world and stripped away most of the content; the general mucking about while you wait for some event to start or such. Akin to the social fun me and my guild have while…