Michael Bennett

Still overall a better transition than I was expecting.

Man, National City is a lot greyer than it used to be.

She has the nerve to call Luke corny.

Me too!

The cinematography was particularly great this week.

Did anyone else groan when Claire said "Remember who you are."

Donnie is like discount Rick Grimes in this.

I did enjoy the fact that Jay R. Ferguson and Garret Dillahunt have both been tv married to Martha Plimpton. Gave it a better context for not liking each other.

Bruh, the dude had 3 canceled shows after that. Obviously I meant after Reaper. I've seen every episode of that show.

There's still time.

At least a Tyler Labine show made it past one season. Good for him.

You aren't really a Stark kid until you get stabbed a few times.

Unrelated but those awards look like golden dicks what show is that from??

I was referring to the Flash who dies during the race not the Flash that fades away during the last scene.

Personally, I hate the sci-fi thing where a main character will go back in time to fix something and dies in the process of changing the future. It feels like the Barry we've followed for two seasons is dead (because he is, they made sure we knew that) even though this is technically the same Barry.

It's a miracle Tina McGee didn't get whiplash when Barry saved her from the building.

I have a multiverse question. Maybe this has been explained elsewhere but, what's the deal with God and the Devil? They are both things that exist in the DC tv universe since Constantine is around. But is there just one God and one Devil for each multiverse or are there different ones for each? Has this ever been

Coach! I was wondering if he'd be in it. It would have been super weird if he wasn't.

If they actually do kill one of them next week, based on recent rumors it has to be Andre right? He wanted off the show anyway.

Good. Don't do MMW and put Bobbi and Lance back on SHIELD where they should be.