Michael Bennett

Hopefully in the future when they bring in Alex Kingston it won't be so she can cry about one of her kids being dead.

At least Frost is finally gone. I can only cringe so much an episode.

I'm just happy they fit in an explanation for how Barry got in Supergirl's universe.

And it's always freaking raining or looks like it's about to.

I love how their Old West just looks like somewhere in Vancouver.

If Mindy and Danny are endgame they have a lot of work to do to make him likeable again.

I haven't watched this show since the pilot but I watched this one and how are Ichabod and Abbie's sister not in jail? How could they have explained Abbie dying? There wasn't even a body. Is magic a known thing? Did they just tell the truth and the police believed them?

I knew it would be her when they announced Katie Cassidy was gonna be on Flash. Maybe they'll pull a Harrison Wells and have her come to Star City and be the new Laurel.

I, too, would let JFK, that innocent family, and whoever else die to save Sadie Dunhill.

Yeah, same. I kinda started up at the diner. And when he let her hand go and she told him her name, I lost it.

Who else cried like a fucking baby for 15 minutes watching the final scenes?

Yeah weird how it's not mentioned at all.

I guess Marnie is still the worst.

This is why I hate when characters in a tv show or movie get too cocky. It means karma's coming and someone's gonna die.

"I honestly like Naomi Campbell’s performance. I still haven’t figured out why."

I can't bee-lieve you made me read that.

I can't believe they made Emily Kinney say all those bee puns.

Yeah the Captain Cold thing is super frustrating to watch cause I'm always like, just run up and take his gun???

I see Barry is just as clueless in a fight on this earth as he is on his own.

I get all my lessons from tv