past tense

No, what it comes down to is Youtube is giving moderation power to a bunch of people who are most likely of the mindset of “if I dont’like it, then it needs to go away”. And YT is then rewarding people for that behavior.

I’m glad you apologized at the start, cause you write terribly.

Kylo is a better Anakin than Anakin was.


A really zen hulk/would be awesome. More Buddha and the Dude than the usual suppressed rage-a-holic.

Dog in background. 90% of that isn’t dust.

I get that the joke here is “hehehe, I made one of those annoying clickbait-and-switch headlines, isn’t it funny?”

I’d like to hear why you think French is such a “stupid mess” of a language.

When you reach the center of the Galaxy:

Yet another solid album from these guys

It sounds like the benefit to Microsoft is that people aren't still using old versions of their operating system. That's a big headache for Microsoft and it's a problem they desperately need to solve. What's the point of all this work going into modern services if no one can use it? Making it a free upgrade for a year

If you want to 'stick it to the man' by pirating the game as opposed to you know, not buying it, you are not actually 'sticking it to the man' you are just being a giant hypocrite. You aren't about wanting better products, you want the same products for free because you feel entitled to people's time and effort as

...but, but it's just a copy!

Right, bro. In an environment where goods are mostly sold as "copies," your "it's not really theft," argument no longer works.

Fuck pirates.

Off to buy The Talos Principle just to support this kind of awesome response to shitty, entitled little assholes right now.