As a woman myself this is driving me insane... first of all, her scumbag husband.. but secondly, her. She is a financially successful woman, she has the power in her horrendous relationship. Divorce him, he is an insect.. don’t threaten to divorce him, just do it. Any man (or woman!) who threatens to those sorts of…
This. We need better moderation.
Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.
Wholly unsurprising. Can’t wait for this to be the thing that breaks the flood gates and gets a load of OnlyFans ‘stars’ ousting their partners for e-pimping. It’s almost certain to be a (far too large, if more than 0) portion of the userbase’s circumstance.
I really like this. I never play my Switch in handheld mode because it’s just not that comfortable. The joycons always felt like they were designed for their tiny compact form factor and not to be a good actual controller both separately and joined together. This might be a little clunkier, but I bet it feels better…
“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”
Most studios would just dump the game, and build a new one. Even games successful at launch rarely get the level of updates like this one did.
Morrowind was my first TES game, due to some ads I had seen in PC Gamer as a lad. It was incredible, from all the strange sights and sounds, the unfamiliar environments, the unique Houses, and even the Guilds. There was always something to do, to see, and to explore in a big way.
There are some elementary ways we create our games and that will continue because that lets us be efficient and we think it works best.
Blackthorne next, c’mon blizzard
what does we can’t use the same moral standards everywhere even mean? Thats as nonsensical a remark as ive ever heard. Level playing field, cream rises to the top. Its one of the foundations on which free thinking is built. Hence cheating is so abhorrent to us.
No, what it comes down to is Youtube is giving moderation power to a bunch of people who are most likely of the mindset of “if I dont’like it, then it needs to go away”. And YT is then rewarding people for that behavior.
I’m glad you apologized at the start, cause you write terribly.
Kylo is a better Anakin than Anakin was.
It’s like Starship Troopers. Or Helm’s Deep. Only scarier.
A really zen hulk/would be awesome. More Buddha and the Dude than the usual suppressed rage-a-holic.
Microsoft Excel isn't only for spreadsheets. It can also be used to create art. Don't believe me? Just ask 73…