
What treasonous actions? He did all his work under the Obama and before that the Bush Jr. administrations. Mueller has two sources of alleged crimes. One , he hide income overseas in overseas banks instead of reporting it to the IRS as income. Apple , for example, does the same thing, apparently Apple hires better tax

The entire period Mueller is investigating with Manafort was his actions under Obama and before that under Bush Jr. He was hired by the Ukrainian government not the Russians, that was the same government Obama overthrew by paying the mafia thugs who run the country 31 billion with the help of Merkel of Germany. Those

These women were paid for their work at the wages of the time. They and a whole bunch of other people all worked to send the astronauts to space. You might note that Jim Crow was a democratic policy and always has been.

You are so far off base it is a wonder that you can even type. The Catholics, Muslims and Hindus will be around long after you are gone and since the populations are increasing there will be more to them to say nothing of all the other religious types in the world.

You notice Obama is not serious about the war against ISIS, 10 carriers and not a one bombing ISIS. In WWII that would have been reason for impeachment of the president and court martial of the admirals. You have to ask yourself why are the carriers not being used and why is most of the ISIS assets still intact after

you can see from this photo how they lie about everything. The dam is low, we have a drought. However, that not the only dam nor the only source of water. Folsom dam was built in the early 1950’s thanks in part to the efforts of Moonbeams father. His son the present governor, mr moonbeam himself, has refused to build

Basically without some form of proof this is just a story like very other fiction story ever written. The presentation of space by the writer of this piece is not the actual idea of space by most people who worry about these things as they present it as a bunch of math equations. There is nothing spooky about quantum

We do have climate change, we have had a lot of climate change in just the last 19000 years, from mile thick glaciers melting in a few hundred years to central park. All that change per the ice core studies was not caused by CO2. The climate changed than the CO2 changed. Today the air has a lot of CO2 in it and the

The folks suffering from the rapture of Ghia, the AGW crowd will never be moved by facts, the data is always wrong unless doom and gloom is coming. https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddar… should tell somebody not in rapture that it must be colder, and this should show the world is not currently warming.