
Exactly. You don’t kill people for what they think and believe. Hell, I’d like to add a shit load of other groups to that list (Neo Nazis, White Supremacists, etc.), but if they have not committed any crime punishable by death then you can’t just go killing them.

Typical. Always wanting more.

Most of these people screaming about radical Islam would immediately assume anybody who isn’t completely westernized in their dress / appearance / speech as potential radical Islamic terrorists. Most of them are so culturally clueless (and proud of it) they will mix in Hindu and Sikh Indians into their assumption of

I seriously cannot understand why anyone thinks people should pay water bills to a municipality that poisoned its people with said water.

Second saddest is that we all, in one way or another, to some extent, stay apprised of their shenanigans.

Thanks, Ryan.

A lot of times if you go to a disadvantaged neighborhood, you ask the kids, ‘What do you want to do when you grow up?’

You’re undervalued around here.

I’m going to be employing this liberally, just let me know where to send the royalty checks.


Selective memory much?

If this was a white supremacist u would be no where to be found. Go to Fox News and u will get all the Muslim hating your heart can take. Jezebel doesn’t have to cover things the way u want them to

Let me introduce you to Fusion, the part of Gizmodo that seems to be most aggressive in covering these kinds of stories:

You are trying way to hard. You’re like a boggle game filled with random Trumpisms.

Who knew there were 500,000 Muslims in Northern Ireland?

I’d love for there to be a measure between “ban all the Muslims!” and “let everyone into the country!” Like, can’t the UK make sure they’ve successfully integrated people into the country before adding more people? Or at least build enough affordable housing for the people already there?

If you’re a white person, and you’re not a professor of linguistics giving a seminar on the history of racial epithets to postgrads, stop it. Stop it now. Whatever the situation, even in “irony” [and from your perspective without malice], you’ve radically misjudged the mood. Stop it.

Maybe we should call Trumps pulling-out, and global warming in general, a “climate abortion” ?

What’s funny is that Pittsburgh’s green jobs initiative was already well underway when I moved out of the city, four years ago. They were doing things like green roofs and green bus stops, so this is extra hilarious.

And for Uncle Miltie, 1 Peen equals about 5 or 6 regular human peens.