
I read the headline as Howard Dean. I was all huh, wuh? The nice dad bro from Vermont?

And that should have been the end.

I did like Alien3 a lot, very bleak, which worked for me. Everything else, including Prometheus, has been a huge disappointment.


Good job, coal nuts!

It rhymes with “Shcmutin’s Dock”.

I actually like #3 a lot too, but it’s not even close to as good as the first 2. But I thought it was so badass the way it ends.

If they were smart, BORK TAKES OVER should have been the headline, it sounds like something out of The Day The Earth Stood Still.

I’m actually amazed by Paul Ryan’s success through all of the adversity he’s faced. Can you imagine being born without a spine?

I bet that doctor works for an HMO. He missed the diagnostic of Paul Ryan suffering from being a shithead (also a pre-existing condition).

We need to stop electing dicks.

This is from the article”

Huh. Well, I suck and math so I defer to you. It’s also why I never buy anything or make measurement related jokes in Europe.

I dunno, used Google’s online converter.

400 pounds = 181.437 kilogrammes

I’m far more worried about the slippery slope in the other direction. This is harassment, and I’d fear the types of harassment in schools that could be justified if the suspension is revoked.

I dont think that right extends to putting classmates’ necks in nooses.


Yeah lemme know when they actually convict one of these murdering assholes.