
Alternate fuel like propane may have refuel problem as Propane depot is not readily available for the masses. However for things like buses or trucks, they can be operated with 2 or 3 strategically placed depot as they have more specific route.

I honestly think all drivers should be required to retake road tests to renew a license. You shouos have to do it every 5 years, then every 2 after you turn 65. Every accident I have been in has been the fault of a senior citizen, usually because they didn’t brake in time.

It isn’t needless. People have places to be. If someone doesn’t have enough cognizance to realize a light is green, they’re not paying attention. If they’re not paying attention, they’re a hazard to themselves and those around them. They should be on a bus. 

I feel bad for viewing this at work. I’m surprised the corporate filters let it through.

the nut on the bus goes pound pound pound

Gee, how do felons get hold of weapons? From law abiding gun owners who abide by the law but don’t abide by common sense self-regulation such as keeping their weapons and ammunition locked up.


Are you fucking serious? How is this the NRA’s fault?

This is what the $6,800 worth of damage looked like:

I feel like we’ll be seeing him play the lead in a Michael Schumacher biopic within the next couple of years.

Maybe it wasn’t allowed to go under 50MPH ?

As a frequent driver of E46 M3's, I love the theory and look of wagon.

Because some people like trucks.

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

JB Weld will be sufficient. I’ve seen numerous videos on The You Tubes.

No, no, the classic aircooled 911 is still the best and I will still fight you for insinuating otherwise.

I like the idea of him and May doing a show where they plan to strip down an engine and, by the end of the first season, they’ve almost picked the engine degreaser they’re going to use. But it’ll be the most insightful discussion on engine degreasers that television has ever seen.

No one out denim’s Leno