I Won the Podcast

hey Drew , You are a complete retard . I mean you must have sat on the short bus with a helmet and drool coming out of your mouth. I read about two paragraphs then realized what a total incompetent monkey you are. This is not even journalism. This is a mouth breathing, shit sipping, dumbass writes about. Yes Dan

He forgot to take the sticker off his hat. How embarrassing!

The white man clearly planted the Mic.

Someone just pointed out to me that it appears that Odom is wearing a wired microphone. It seems strange to yell about the destructive influence of gossip media while simultaneously helping ensure they capture clear audio of you, but that’s none of my shaqo.

Coldest take of all time. Did Craggs take your balls when he left?

God damnit.

That’s one of the best animated gifs I’ve ever seen. So sad, tragic and hilarious all at the same time.

Why? Because I’m smart enough to abide by my company’s media policy?