Michele R

It definitely seems clear in this particular case that the (car) driver was acting negligently without regard for human life - no matter what the (bike) rider was doing – and (especially since the driver opened his mouth) he should be charged with the most serious crime possible. I’ve been a rider since the 70’s and

How can somebody just not care. Glad there was a video of the whole incident. My prayers go out to all.

the stripes are so weak, you can not tell if it is passing allowed or not. From what I could see, they had the easy pass and were no threat or danger to anyone. This guy just did not like it, so he took them out !! .. One thing for sure, He did assault them with his vehicle and should be charged with attempted

What an ass hitting them like that. Jail time for ass.

that is assault with a deadly weapon PERIOD! Why isthe Hiway Patrol Locking Up His Ass. Passing at double lines is a ticket, not attempt for murder like clearly the car was doing. He Isn’t The Judge Jury ?And Executioner. Lock his Ass Up!

Anyone who swerves and hits me while on my motorcycle better get ready for a world of hurt. First, if I can get up, I’m going to pummel them with my helmet, then my bulldog attorney can pick over they’re bones.

Now playing

Alanis, here is a YouTube version in case Sanders removes it.