Michael Barnathan

Why don’t they just use a GAN to generate deepfaked faces? GANs are quite good at it, and this avoids all of the legal and ethical issues associated with using a real person’s face

You can’t abandon facts and logic everywhere else in your life and expect to suddenly wake up and write brilliant software, perhaps the most logic-driven engineering discipline that currently exists.

I’d like to see Amazon treat all of its employees decently, not just the engineers that the talent market forces it to treat decently. I wish more engineers would use their influence in the talent market to make overall treatment of the workforce an issue, because it’s not OK if I’m getting free lunches and great

If they aren’t planning on doing it, they won’t mind a law preventing them from doing it.

“The study claims that 2.28 per cent of the male population have an abnormally small penis and 2.28 per cent have an unusually large one. Here, ‘abnormal’ was classified as 2 standard deviations above or below the mean”

Assuming it’s roughly Gaussian, this is basically the definition of a standard deviation and it

While it would be interesting to see it figure that out, the less superfluous stuff to the game, the quicker it’ll learn how to play.

While it’s not the easiest labwork, transfection doesn’t take five lab techs working for a year. The marginal profit is still very high on this one.

The cost is still high enough to exclude many people who would benefit from the treatment, so hopefully the price still has room to drop to market equilibrium as the

The whole market is more or less moving together right now.

But then there’s inevitably a slow period when someone says “hey, I’ll sell you a Tether for $0.99" or a fast one when someone says “oh, you want to sell your crypto? Sure, I’ll buy it off of you if you give me $1.01 for each of my Tethers”, and suddenly the market is jerking the price all over the place. By keeping

If they held the Bitcoins in their own wallet during that time, then they were automatically granted an equivalent amount of Bitcoin Cash after the fork.

Aside from the fact that this is completely unnecessary, it will also discourage people from getting tested and thus will spread HIV *more*

It’s more plausible that the sonic attacks are actually happening (parametric loudspeakers hidden in the walls are my bet), but the administration is using them as an excuse to blow up relations with Cuba.

If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet goes, it will be an acute event, not a chronic one. Just one rapid 11 foot sea level rise, then the rest of the continent (save the parts below 11 feet above sea level) can go back to their usual rate of ice loss or gain.

Eventually the entire IoT ecosystem will need to come to grips with this or it will not mature. It will, but it may take a while.

But there are two sides to every transaction. You’re allowed to gate your product on the purchase of some other service... but the consumer is free to pass it by if those terms aren’t acceptable. Viewers have decided that subscribing to something they don’t use in order to consume a single piece of content is

That’s more or less true until you write a script that animates them. Suddenly you’re dealing with a whole new class of use cases - I use one in an outdoor globe fixture that plays a different animation depending on the weather and the time of day.