
“And he believes that for many, having to then also learn French to work in Quebec will be too much to ask and they will likely find work elsewhere, in Canadian cities such as Ontario or Vancouver, where more and more game studios are setting up shop these days.”

Okay, but.... unless I’m missing something, they don’t film in Vancouver. They film in Toronto. Where Cronenberg lives.

It has shown up in other advertising that way, so it’s possible you just missed those ads. But you can buy a vertical stand for the PS4 that makes it do this. I’ve never known anyone who preferred it vertical, but I presume someone out there does.

It is nice to see Ignatiy back discussing films, but, you know, not in a written format.

I'm not sure who "they" is. I mean, Terry Brooks wrote it. He's just one guy.

Yeah, at a certain point Terry Brooks tied it in with another one of his series (the Word and the Void) which takes place in the present day, and tied everything in, and Shannara retroactively now takes place in the far future. If you only read the early books, there's no indication of the post-apocalyptic thing.

I enjoyed this trailer, and am looking forward to buying the game, but I feel like if a trailer is 3 months old (as this one is), maybe it's no longer that newsworthy.

I assume by “Hawkeye 16”, you meant “Hawkeye 22”?

North Vancouver, not Northern Vancouver. You should not rely on that link in Atlas Obscura for actual knowledge of geography or fact-checking, I guess.

It's a little pedantic, I know, but I thought there might be a genuine reason that someone can reveal to me. Why are the words "monk" and "monastery" capitalised in this?

Quite liked Robert Morse's voicework in this. Took me about half the episode to place him, but he was perfectly cast.

Yes. Went up some hours ago at, and I think Amazon too.

In the interest of just learning for sure one way or the other, I just asked him on Twitter if he is covering the show, and he says he is.

I think he is. I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure that when they announced the fall lineup, they didn't realize Korra was coming back so quickly.

Agreed. Plus, if she was really Red Lotus, why would she have saved Tonraq? She could have "accidentally" let him fall or failed to catch him without casting any real suspicion on herself.

I rather get the impression that Ferguson wouldn't want the 11:30 slot anyway. At 12:30 he has more freedom and less scrutiny from The Powers That Be.

Apologies. An entirely not-close-enough (ie terrible) read on my part.

The show in its entirety was a little hit-or-miss for me, but this opening remains one of the most magnetic scenes I've ever watched. Sucked me in like nothing else.

Looks like it was a shame that both "Drive and "Drive Angry" were taken.