And so you don’t either?
And so you don’t either?
I specifically mentioned people who sell hot dogs.
Still skipping right over thinking about the 100 or so hourly employees working for each arena, fun stuff.
Is Sanders going to get rid of Phillip Agnew for calling Michelle Obama ugly?
Because a Bernie Bro derailed the thread.
Nice try. He’s been let go from the root. Now, back under your bridge....go on now...
Good point! Not a great beard!
This is a perfect response. They don't want to use the P word, because the P word has acquired a set of actionable meanings, and triggering those actions is not conducive to dealing with this outbreak.
Do you know how much stupid shit I did when I was 23?
I am working under the assumption that a pandemic designation will come in time. However, I also still listen to experts in times like this and I’d say the WHO is probably the biggest expert in the room right now. Instead of calling out things for what they aren’t doing (ie: being especially cautious to not fan the…
used to have Rice Krispies a lot when I was a kid. but we’d sprinkle a spoonful of sugar over it to make it palatable, so there goes that.
Not that you have to worry. Mommy cuts your food so baby doesn’t choke.
Less lethal in that it has fewer fatalities overall, but the rate at which people who get it who end up dying is definitely higher than the common flu virus. That’s why it’s kinda important to stop it from spreading.
That looks like the opposite of shutting the fuck up.
Of course, only the total morons don’t see that that ship has sailed. To onshore all the component production again would take years if not decades. Added to that would be the ten fold increase in cost to produce locally which is why they were offshored in the first place.
LUL, Bernie can’t even “inspire” his self-identifying base to go to the primary.
Perhaps their president can tweet lies about it? That might help right?
Millennials and Gen X combined now outnumber boomers by millions.
“Think what a 20 to 30 year old has lived though.”
I kind of thought yesterday was a good lesson in Maybe Not Everybody Wants what Bernie Is Selling, but maybe that’s just me.