
Take that $1200 multiply it across the board of the population and universities don’t get funded. roads don’t get fixed, etc .........and now college tuition is $5000 more per student

It is a Dallas thing. Dallas is as far removed from the majority of Texas as it is possible to be for the reasons you state; it is quintessentially a melting pot city from the ground up at this point.

There are some nice people around here, but there are a lot of people who buy into the Texas mythos so much that it’s sickening. I’ve lived here for 9 years myself, but I’m also a Texas native who’s from the Texas everyone actually pictures when they think about the “rugged individualists” of Texas so I don’t get the

I lived in DFW for 4 years and I have never felt so out of my place in my entire life. People are nice to you until they find out that you weren’t born in Texas, which automatically puts them above you. Their state pride is on the same level as white supremacists.

As a Texas native I think can weigh in on his thought process.

This is amazingly insane... Trendy released one game that was a smash hit and then flubbed hard on their 2nd title... This is nothing more than a cash grab by their leads. And the lawyers accusation of his wife is not only demoralizing but sexist and malicious in nature. I hope if they don’t get a dismissal, they go