
For what it's worth, I'm fully aware that football fans in both are awful. I'm more in favor of everything else Philly has to offer. Dallas (and really all of DFW) was more or less defined by its army of card-carrying Cowboys fans. 

I moved from Dallas to Philadelphia recently, and I can tell you that the Dallas fans probably lost their shit seeing the opposing team (especially Philly) even trying to celebrate anything on their field. Dallas blows and this footage is just the perfect allegory for how Cowboys fans see everybody else’s fans.

Yep, I also live in Philly, and color me surprised to how high it is on this list. But you could be right, it’s really easy to get to and around it. I moved here from DFW, and I don’t miss the highway/construction labyrinth that they’ve got going on there. 

Yeah, I’m pretty sure “thinking it was her own apartment” is the gateway to her acquittal. Home is the most familiar place on Earth to any human being, and you should know within a second after walking in if you’re in the right place. 

For the past 5 months I’ve been working remotely in the job I’ve had for the past 3 years. My fiancee got a job in another city, and my manager was totally cool with my working remotely, so that was exciting.


My heart just exploded.

I stopped going after them once I realized I got all the Places of Power in any given area. After that, nah. I absolutely adore this game though, so even though I’m done-zo with the story, I might fire it up and go after some of these leftovers to kill time.

Probably siblings that only got Mario Kart and are forced to share everything because of discipline or some nonsense.

100% agree and understood on everything you said on the traffic there. LA is a living hell and that I-35 split needs to be repaired 5 years ago. Holy hell, it’s so bad.

Ah that sucks. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been (and had fun there), so that change must be happening heartbreakingly fast.

That’s fair, to each their own, as Cooper’s is pretty great indeed. I worked at Dell in Round Rock once upon a time, so we ate at the Salt Lick there pretty often. Maybe part of it is nostalgia for me.

I moved to Dallas for work and I can tell you that Austin still has it pretty good when it comes to traffic. It will get worse if the infrastructure is not updated to keep up with the influx of people (which might be impossible considering the rate at which people are moving there).

It’s not really Austin, but 15 minutes North is Round Rock Donuts. Their glaze is out of this world.

Salt Lick is great too, especially if you want sauce. That’s blasphemous in the pantheon of Texas BBQ, but sometimes sauce is good people, Jesus.

Not enough love for Hyde Park Grill in these comments.

You can replace 6th St. with Rainey St. once you’ve turned 21 and don’t like being trampled by drunk stampedes. I think that captures the bar hopping experience if you’re looking for it. 6th St. is a disaster. Go if you want because it’s famous or whatever, but my friends took me there when I turned 21 and it was a

As a Wii U owner, I don’t really feel shortchanged by this. If that system’s excellent games can finally find their audience on Switch, go for it. Tropical Freeze will be a second purchase for me, but a first for at least 80% of folks who are going to get this version. It’s one of the best platformers of the last

Also Witcher 3 for me! I beat the game when it came out, then life happened. I beat it again earlier this year, and decided to wait a bit to cleanse my palate before finally diving into the expansions. Starting with Hearts of Stone of course.

That doesn’t quite translate because Xenoblade exists within the broader genre of RPGs. There aren’t any other football games worth playing than Madden, but you’re conflating one franchise of football games with the entire genre of football games.