
I actually took that another way. My theory is that she can read and write normally but sent those letters in Charlie-speak so he would understand them. It's kind of sweet

Honestly, if Thomas had been perfectly healthy, he'd grow up to be a gigantic brainwashed piece of shit. I'm not sorry to see him go.

I've seen Rogue One twice, and I can't tell you the names of half the crew.
There's Jyn. There's Bodi. There's… French/Mexican guy? Captain Assange? Then blind monk, and blind monk's hetero life mate, and of course, Sassbot 5000.

I'm just glad he spared Savannah. I really like that city.

Let's also not forget Childan and Eddie are on a Japanese bus.. filled with other Americans.. fleeing the city….. What other buses filed with Americans leaving San Francisco have been discussed this season, hmm??

I'm confused as well…
The trade minister knows the film is from the alternate universe.
It's unclear - Does Kido know this?
Does John Smith?
Does Kido fool Smith? Do Kido and Smith work together to fool the Nazzys? (I make it a habit to go with the Cotton Hill pronunciation whenever possible) The whole thing is so

Is there anything more tedious or boring than badly done drug trip montages?

I thought DJ Qualls was a shitty emcee

I don't think this episode was heavy handed. Friggin' Zootopia was heavy handed.

I really think we don't shame enough people TBH. We've got folks wearing pajamas at stores besides WalMart now.

I like to imagine DeVito having that line and using the word "Broad"

I get what you're saying, but I never really saw David Cross as being ironic. So, you're saying he's mocking irritating smug atheists? He needs to go a little more over the top then, he's too dead on. I love Mr. Show but his standup is just not entertaining to me.

A strong number of 35 year old Philadelphians who still have a frat boy mentality and think this show proves them right.

This episode had a level of racial cringe to it I've not seen since "Scott's Tots".

The idea of the dead rising and eating people while a suave bearded man in a leather jacket beats my ginger and asian friends with a baseball bat is still real to me dammit!

I watched the first season and was kind of "meh, it's okay"..

Brodka. Uh-huh, da's right.

The Parson is one of my favorite obscure characters. I'd like slightly more of him.

As my new commenting icon indicates, i just finished a rewatch of the entire series after not watching since the original run(no, not season 9, that'd be ridiculous). Three things struck me.
1) JD is a much bigger asshole earlier in the series than I remember
2) the reviewer is correct about the show's treatment of

Can someone give me a quick heads up about whether this is appropriate for kids? 8-10 years old. Other reviews say it's pretty violent and intense, but I can't get a good grip on what it can be compared to. A Marvel movie? I'm not expecting Walking Dead level shit, but can someone give me a ballpark? Captain America?