
"It was just too early in (and at odds with) this shipbound season for our survivors to end up (figuratively) at Hershel’s farm"

Meh. I watched on dvr and skipped through the plane stuff so I have no idea who any of those people are

Oh, show. You were doing so well… then junkie character fell into that hole for literally no reason

I do need reminders about American Dad because I have no idea what the hell network they're on anymore.

I guess they're not reviewing this show anymore?

Upside down fat batman guy. In the "next week" teaser, there was a guy in a hazardous materials suit, which makes me assume its him, unless that's a deliberate attempt to throw us off

I had some serious laugh out loud moments in this episode. The grabber claw, Gail leaving the wedding, Gail's "I don't think I want to live here anymore"..

No, this is the JV team backing up the people who gave us the Walking dead finale. The writers of this program aspire to be that good some day

This show only made me say "ugh.. fucking.. really? Really, Fear the Walking Dead??" Twice this week. That's a small victory.

Judge bot 3000? Thanks, Oabama

Being with Phil flipped a switch and reverted him back to his role as little brother. I see it in my two sons constantly

I forgot about it honestly

This is the ultimate "you're all special" movie though

Your friends are what's wrong with America

I'm all for tolerance and all that gay shit, but man this movie is heavy handed and clumsy with it

I think we're really overlooking Deke. Perfectly cast. Loved the choices that actor made

I really liked the scene in the book where Sadie guesses Jake is from the future after he sang a song that didn't exist in her car. Having him just tell her took the fun out of it

Great call back to the BCS episode of BB, where Saul confuses badger with a public masturbator

Oh boy

It's consistent with the book. I flipped through the last 5th of it, skipping over the boring amnesia and day of the assassination road blocks that seemed endless..