
never has it been said that she's a *good* psychologist…

Is anyone else out there sick and tired of the "old song from the 1940s - early 60s plays in an eerily haunted fashion as scenes of post-apocolpytic carnage are set up / shown in the background in slow motion" trope that Fallout has run into the ground? I sure as hell am.

Help me out here, AV Club. I would like this game a great deal. But, I'm getting the impression it's a DLC cash grab and basically a multi-player only experience with the smallest possible single player campaign possible attached to it as an after thought.

The most memorable thing about the asteroid chase was the delayed reverb from the bombs. If you saw that in a theater with a good sound system.. that shit was great.

That'll learn em!

I was a supporter of the prequels.. until one simple two letter word.

Oh no, a dinosaur themed children's show failed to live up to your expectations of biting social commentary.

I've never seen a single frame of Talking Dead and still felt this was lame.

Go on a ZA starvation diet for a year or two. Also, be a 5'4 Korean man. Then, try again. YMMV

I don't blame him either. He tried to lead them with the Walker Zombie Quarry Project and half the 'tards got themselves killed.

I can't tell Walker Wire Shimmy Guy and Rick Shot My Dad So I'm Gonna Shoot Koral guy apart. I'm sure I'm not alone there.

"With Bob And David embodies the best of what the Netflix revival model can accomplish, which is to give seasoned talent a platform to do what they do best. "

Oh wow. I just thought it was some bizarre Russell Brand tangent

Jeepers Creepers had so many moments..

I thought it was very interesting that Heidecker is named as a co-executive producer, but he was nowhere to be found in that behind the scenes episode.

"Celebratory arm gesture" may be one of my favorite bits of dialogue ever from this series.

the acting is what killed me. Even Wareheim had cringeworthy moments here. Amateur was my impression as well

This show has potential, but this episode felt like a college project in terms of writing and especially acting.

I learned that you can lead ten thousand zombies in a horde 20 miles by making them follow your car, then get lost in the woods and in a random insurance building within walking distance of where you left that horde, and they'll just kind of wander off somewhere else and not be a problem,

"The Gang Goes to Alexandria"