
This isn’t about their son. This about his feelings of control. Waah waah, I’m a giant baby and this woman won’t let me control her life!

This is probably the worst spread I’ve ever seen.

They were Viking cats! Sailed on Viking ships and probably kin to Maine Coons (though smaller). Look them up, you’ll see your orange cat.

counting on it

They’re both street cats I brought home, though calling them Norwegian Forest Cats sounds much, much cooler.

A rare moment of affection around here. (They are both less chunky now. Restrictive diets work!)

It is a dress, so it is clearly asking for rape. You need to try tight jeans... wait, then that judge in Italy says you are unrapeable and if someone succeeds, you consented automatically.

Here’s a plan: next year, let’s all the women show up at carnival fully clothed and stone-cold sober, and see how the menfolk like that. Not at all, is gonna be my guess. Not at all.

What kind of man is he? What kind of society is Trinidad that elects this guy for office? Let your imagination roll.

Your blood volume increases and your blood also has to start circulating through the placenta, as well as all kinds of hormone level shifts, up and down, and it really can be a rollercoaster.

My job is to evaluate scientific studies that involve between thousands and hundreds of thousands of independent samples. This leads to much eye-rolling at almost every medical study ever.

Remember the Grammy’s years ago when the opera singer had to cancel last minute and they asked Aretha to sing her aria? That woman looked at the music and sang the thing technically better than the opera singer with very little, if any rehearsal.

I think my kid has a crush on her. Or maybe it’s on Charli XCX?

Oh hell yeah. I have friends that have made $40k for 15 seconds of a song that ended up not being used in a Starz tv show, just the commercial, because there ended up being no instrumental version (recorded live, very few mics used). Starz just really wanted that 15 seconds.

Touring. She will make buttloads on touring. And merch from touring. And any music licensing for this album (anytime a song is on a commercial, television show, movie, etc. I had an indie band make $80,000 for an instrumental version of one of their songs for a GE commercial (so like, a minute long, MAYBE). She will

I want Kris to get two granddaughters from them that look just like Chyna.

That would be krazy.

What if he’s a commenter.

Oh man, it just keeps getting better. I never ever ever want Rob and Chyna to break up.

Secret Agent Barbie PC (2001)