There was a piece of music in there that sounded vaguely like "The Phantom of The Opera".
There was a piece of music in there that sounded vaguely like "The Phantom of The Opera".
No Mario! Turn the cigarette around that's not gonna be enjoyable you crazy old coot.
@williamgarzon: To be fair people weren't really gonna smile in the situation photographed above but I can only speculate about why people rarely smiled in photographs from that time period.
From Hero to Desire in just over a year and now Desire to Desire HD in les than six months, curse you HTC for making beautiful handsets.
@Nexus6: mmm Bebop.
After 20 years I just may be able to play a mech game Robot Jox style.
@Purdueable: The puns are coming thick and fast guys, keep it up.
It's not an app but I received an update from Android yesterday it actually sped the phone up by a great amount. I can't help but wonder if this was an optimization of 2.2.
I accidentally pre ordered two copies from the same e-tailer, only found out when I got two confirmation emails from them still I'm happy they were dispatched on Thursday if it means a early play of the game.
@shufflemoomin: Exactly, Apple had the luxury of it's hardcore fanbase. Microsoft will only sell on what it actually provides which may be a blessing when it comes to reviews from blogs and the media few will give them an easy ride for the sake of it.
@KeyserSöze: You hear that Gods of Gizmodo? Grant me a star the people will it!
@Lemonade: I have to disagree there, when the iphone was first released it was lapped up by the consumer regardless of the quality/quantity of apps, it was the fact it was a "game changer" for mobile phones and I guess it helped that it came from Apple.
@nekitamo: With Underworld's new album playing behind this, it makes so much sense.
@Canon7D-Fanboy: Link needs checking. Also I thought the funeral of IE 6 was the release of IE 7.
@Eternal: Combo card: Zombie Frucker
@Lazzzara: Ah thank you, the thing is I got the contract when the new desire came out but I mostly use my Orange sim for it as I had better allowances.
@hurbieta: You monster!
@Lazzzara: Could you elaborate on the terms they're changing and what situation you have to be in to be able to cancel? I know this happened with Orange before and they took quite a hit on it.