
@Plex: I never realised it till now but Sean Connery is the original LOLcat.

Yeah, nice try Bill...

@Squalor: The family planning clinics give the worst advice...

@djdare: The wrist censor is an offensive tattoo the object is anyone's guess...

Cats love public transport

@JawzX2: There's a while whole thing over here (England) about people from the pre 1970's era cooking style e.g boiling foods till they were mush and not being able to use many spices due to the previous wars and their own tastes but I'll be damned if they didn't have good durable cookware. 50+ year old pans FTMFW

@tomsomething: You're most likely right as I just replied via your response to Zkdog.

@tomsomething: Ah, the odd thing is (it may not be odd but my own lack of awareness) is that the comment is black but with no promotion beneath it yet subsequent ones have the promoters name.

I've followed Neatorama for a while now, it's a great blog. I've killed many a hour reading articles then researching further into the subject.

@tomsomething: I saw you're un-edited reply and screamed replicator or 3d printer. Now you've posted this...DAMN YOU.

@tomsomething: I agree with you completely, sorry it was my poor attempt at humour with an allusion to being a teenager and constrictive parents.

@tomsomething: Damn patents, I just wanna do my own thing and not be told it's all been done before.

@lostarchitect: There's no shame in loving your cookware buddy. If we can apply our obsession to things like cars and gadgets I don't see why cooking which is a science and an art can't have the same amount of passion.

@lostarchitect: I hearted you just because you know what a Le Creuset grill pan is and why it's worth it

@Hello Mister Walrus: What?! Quick chuck some water bombs at them and drive them awa....Wait a minute.

@acidrain69: You sir have clearly never been to a Fascists Audiophile Group Seminar.

@SkipErnst: Might as well wait around for Helium to go on the black market so "pitchfreaks" can get a hit of that oh so good H.