The water attenuator certainly did its job. I’m surprised it ended there after all that drama in the city!
The water attenuator certainly did its job. I’m surprised it ended there after all that drama in the city!
Haha - racecar drivers at their best. I believe this once happened to Michael’s brother Ralf when they were both in F1!
As a Canadian, I approve of this post!
Beautiful photography, and well written article. I am eagerly waiting to see how those wider tires (tyres?) will handle next year. Hoping for a good race this afternoon!
I think that for an Australian he hit it off quite well. Correct me if I am wrong as I’ve only watched it once but he did say city of Texas did he? LOL
That’s what I thought!
I bet inside he feels the same of all of us manual transmission drivers, like how more stupid does it get than stealing a car in which you have no idea how they mechanically work...also super grateful he never got away with the car in the first place.
Perfect - a driving course to learn how to handle all that torque steer. How convenient.
``If you are a standard human, your body is already pretty good at following your eyes.``
What happened to be the cause behind the parking brake fault? Were you able to clear it away before rolling the car off the trailer or did you have to do it with it left on?
I love your writing style. Very me.
Mother of god.... those seats...
I will have to agree with Kristen and vouch for the 2nd generation Mazdaspeed 3 (2010-2013 model years). The newer is better as they were able to work on a few quirks that the earlier models had.