Maz Kanata, Eyewear Style Icon

This isn’t a movie. Trump is prevailing because actual, idiotic, hate-filled American people are supporting and voting for him, and actually find his repugnant views and persona agreeable. This is the saddest reflection I’ve ever seen on what (part of) this country really is, and I say this as someone who saw George

With all due respect, you vastly overestimate Jon Stewart’s influence. He’s a classic example of “preaching to the choir.” I doubt he changed many peoples’ minds, nor that many people who were willing to have their minds changed actually watched his show.

I propose we all stop enabling Kanye’s insufferable narcissism and megalomania by ceasing to give a flying fuck about him. This would make “armchair analysis” a moot point.

Not speaking specifically about Hillary here, but a lot of times when I hear white people (particularly young, self-identified “progressives”) say something about “acknowledging my privilege” without actually doing a single thing that disrupts their privileges or advantages, it comes off to me as little more than a

St. Vincent + David Byrne doing Talking Heads songs > Arcade Fire + David Byrne doing Talking Heads songs. Basically, St. Vincent is WAY better than Arcade Fire.

Shhh. Let the meatheads indulge in their preconceived stereotypes about “developing countries” like China. USA uber alles, and all that.

I think Butler said enough to offend the portion of the ESPN viewership who identify with the likes of Donald Trump and Chris Berman, so I’d say Win won tonight.

A lot of Gawker Media writers consistently demonstrate the professionalism and maturity level of an average 7th grader.

As you undoubtedly know, most students, even many of those at top universities, do not care about being intellectually challenged or stimulated. They’re not there to learn or better themselves, they just want/expect to get good grades so they can move on to whatever post-graduate degrees or high-paying, high-prestige

The tenure system can lead to a lot of complacency and lack of accountability. (The issue that women often have a harder time getting tenure is worth mentioning here.) Come to think of it, two of the female professors I mentioned were not tenured at my university (one was an adjunct, the other was visiting from abroad

Of the best 5 or 6 professors I had in undergrad (the ones that were not only good teachers, but had a lasting impact on my intellectual and professional life), all but one of them were women.

Sadly, I wasn’t particularly surprised that many women may generally find men more “professorial” (i.e., knowledgable, authoritative, competent, charismatic, etc.) than women. It just goes to show how deeply ingrained patriarchal norms/values are, and how pervasive internalized misogyny is, even amongst relatively

Anyone who prioritizes the “hotness” ratings on deserves to have a bad college experience (at least in the courses selected according to that criterion), and probably isn’t particularly conscientious about their studies anyway. Plus, it’s pretty creepy to spend time analyzing which professors

EXCELLENT reporting on this story. It’s great to see high-quality work on this site that addresses a controversy in an informative, fair, and balanced way. This is one of the best stories I can remember seeing around here.

Episode IV is vastly overrated (not just by you, but in general). Sure, it’s the one that started it all, but it’s actually a REALLY bad movie from a lot of perspectives. It has the worst special effects of the series, some of the worst dialogue/acting, and because Lucas hadn’t thought through the entire mythology

Or do we spend such obscene sums on dick enlargement because America is obsessed with having the biggest swinging dick in the international community?

A fair assessment. I know (or at least am pretty sure) that Obama doesn’t share the fetishistic preoccupation with military power that many Americans have, and that he was pandering to the GOP and vast swaths of the American public. He overdid it a bit, though, for my taste. I mean, he could have limited himself to

Pragmatically, no president can afford not to give fucks until he becomes a lame duck. Problem is, at that point, a lot of people stop giving a fuck about him.

Those gratuitously macho lines trumpeting that “America is the most powerful nation in the world...AND IT’S NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!” were also WWE-worthy. Why are Americans so obsessed with constantly winning the international dick-measuring contest? So fucking stupid and testosterone-charged.

Seriously, it’s been a while since Saatchi was on the cutting edge of anything. I don’t think this is particularly newsworthy in this day and age (which is a good thing).