I’m surprised the city of Portland didn’t already own the domain name “WhereWhitePeopleMeet.com.” Seems like the perfect marketing catchphrase for their city’s raison d’etre and modus vivendi.
I’m surprised the city of Portland didn’t already own the domain name “WhereWhitePeopleMeet.com.” Seems like the perfect marketing catchphrase for their city’s raison d’etre and modus vivendi.
Joining this website is basically the online-dating equivalent of moving to Portland.
Something tells me that Madonna’s kids aren’t “over” the trust funds that will finance lifetimes of complete frivolity and leisure.
Why do you even bother arguing with the meatheads who write and comment on Deadspin?
Fair point, though by the same token, there have been all to many atrocities perpetrated by the U.S. that were officially and explicitly government-sanctioned. Black slavery is perhaps the closest analogue to the “comfort women” issue, since it also involves the issue of reparations and “apologies.” Speaking of Japan,…
That’s all I’m saying. No country wants to acknowledge the atrocities it’s committed (and ALL countries have committed them). No country’s education system emphasizes the darkest episodes of its past. Germany is a possible exception to the latter rule, but their case was is so extreme and well-documented that there…
Yeah, they should strive to be more like the American education system, which does a GREAT job providing full and fair historical accounts of things like slavery, the near-genocide of Native Americans, the Japanese-American internment, and countless war crimes.
How many Americans could tell you about the My Lai massacre or the Mahmudiyah murder-rapes?
Yeah, it was pretty decent of Europe and America to build their colonies on the backs of African slaves, while wiping out entire Native American and pre-Columbian civilizations by way of conquest, war, disease, and systematic disenfranchisement.
It’s comical to watch people who know nothing about China spout their completely uninformed (and, of course, generally negative) opinions about it.
Shhh. (American) people like to think of China as a backwards, uneducated country. You hush now.
Are you aware that Hong Kong was under British control until 1997, and is still being run by China as a “Special Administrative Region?”
You use that word “fact.” I do not think it means what you think it means.
Yeah, for me, THE definitive moment of the movie was when Rey force-grabbed the lightsaber while the old theme music swelled.
If anything, I thought Chewbacca would have gone even more insane with grief, though he did nail Kylo with a good shot.
Even though Finn is obviously (and understandably) in love with Rey, I think they will just be friends, or kind of like brother-and-sister (mirroring Luke and Leia’s relationship in the original trilogy). The ending of the movie suggested to me that they might not even see each other again for quite a while, like…
The points you made in your latest reply to me actually support, rather than refute, my arguments.
I never said a feminist should “never, ever make non-feminist choices.” Rather, my argument is that if the preponderance of a person’s choices are “non-feminist” (in the sense of affirming and reinforcing patriarchal norms and values), then the term “feminist” probably does not apply to them.
I get that you want to think of yourself as a “feminist,” but at some point, that word loses all meaning when applied to people who fully and happily capitulate to patriarchal traditions. If you find “feminist choices” so exhausting all the time, perhaps it’s because your beliefs and attitudes aren’t particularly…
I believe you can find it filed under “Mental Gymnastics” at your local library or Barnes & Noble.