Maz Kanata, Eyewear Style Icon
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Are these the attitudes and values of which you speak?

I’m honestly disturbed by the warped moral psychology some people are displaying here.

Thank you for noting that the U.S. has little (if any) high ground to stand on regarding this issue. Much as we’d like to think otherwise, ours is still an overwhelmingly patriarchal culture, and the fact that most women here take their husband’s surnames is certainly a symptom of that.

You know what would have been even sweeter? If he didn’t assume that if the hospital bracelets should match, they should all bear HIS name.

Yeah, patriarchal values are adorable indeed. You’re a lucky lady!

If it was a DC band, it’s probably safe to assume they never made it anywhere.

Haha, because Asian guys have small penises, AMIRITE??? Oh man, that’s a good one! I really see what you did there.

Anyone who thinks Trump (and his ilk) would keep anyone safe should be legally and medically declared mentally incompetent and denied the right to vote. Can you imagine the globally destabilizing results that would ensue if Trump were to be empowered to flex commander-in-chief muscles? It’s a literally frightening

Racists almost never have any valid points, because their entire worldview is built on ignorance, delusion, and intolerance.

What are these vaunted “western values” of which you speak? I’m pretty sure you and I don’t share the same values. What about someone like Dylann Roof? He lives in “The West,” but I doubt you’d want to align your values with his. Your comments veer uncomfortably towards oversimplifying all this into some kind of East

I haven’t eye-rolled this hard at an attempt to elicit sympathy for a vastly wealthy, hyper-privileged, conventionally-attractive white woman since I watched Sofia Coppola’s “Marie Antoinette” a number of years ago.

Here’s a newsflash for you: You are not a journalist. If you hope to be employed as one in the future, I’d recommend cutting out unprofessional behavior such as making comments like the one above. You probably should lay off the emojis too unless you’re looking to write for a high-school paper.