
The lengths that people will go to to show that they hate us is incredible. I ain’t got shit else to say.

Dear Chase, I feel like I can call you Chase because you and me are so alike. I’d like to meet you one day, it would be great to have a catch. I know I can’t throw as fast as you but I think you’d be impressed with my speed. I love your hair, you run fast. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me

This stupid thing is said *every* time here and it’s still wrong. Phelps is competing against literally everyone. Semenya is competing against a subset limited to women, while possessing a significant advantage of having male testosterone.

In regards to your Phelps example, let’s say swimming had two divisions; one for people with short arms and one for people with long arms. Phelps and his freakishly long arms qualify for the long arm division. Do you think it would be fair for him to compete in the short arm division?

This whole situation is a mess of “he said, he said, they said, these other guys said, video cut #1 said, video cut #2 said”.

What hellish landscape is this?

That this shallow tween game is still so overwhelmingly popular is an absolute mystery to me. I guess kids really do have the most disposable income.

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen and I’m slightly more ashamed to be alive in 2019.

People like Danielle Stella are the reason we have warning stickers on hairdryers telling you not to use them in the shower.  

Fox is finally covering the opioid epidemic. 

This is why concentration camps (which these detention centers are) are a crime against humanity. And these people deserve better than this. Anyone who disagrees with those two sentences are part of the problem and should experience these conditions first hand.

Those people have already forgotten Otto Warmbier

All of these brain dead “murica” types applauding this disgrace will fail to see the irony the next time some American solider or military contractor gets captured and then gets decapitated 

Y'all motherfuckers need unions

“For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility.”

“...under federal sentencing guidelines he’s expected to spend the rest of his life in prison.”

Separating kids from families? Cool.

This person is a murderer. She is now living off of the fact she is a muderer.

Nah, man. When Hacksaw Jim Duggan started that chant while squaring off against Nikolai Volkov, you chanted, too.

I think I need to quit reading news for a while. It’s not just that it’s all horrifying and depressing - it’s that I feel like I’m killing brain cells whenever I read about something trump said.