
Robot blogger Billy thinks if he uses enough “!!!!!!!’s” and mentions a popular athlete is “mad” he will somehow turn a mundane practice situation into clickbait....ah shit

I think that in this case the “ass” label applies to Haisley for posting this shite article.

At what point in this video does a freak out happen?

Is there a part 2 of this video where the freak out occurs?

I don’t watch these silly shows, but to repeatedly call the show by the wrong name seems a little petty.

Well it clearly matters to deadspin. Regardless of how many, “I don’t even care why does any care no one should care” articles ya write

Can we stop with using “walk-off” for every game winning extra inning hit?

I think Ghandi said it best.

Yeah, that’s always been the advice of the greats that have actually led social change. Gandhi and MLK always advised burn down that shit... that you actually paid for with money taken out of your check each week... cause, uh, that accomplishes... a lot.

Aside from the fact that the two things have nothing to do with the other, it’s not the Legislatures job to bring about justice, that is the job of the courts and the judicial system.

So civilians are injuring/killing other civilians. This is supposed to improve relations between police and the community?

Because it is OK, and should be, because it doesn’t change history. If 1%of people are offended by this, that 1% should shoot themselves for being miserable insufferable pricks

Weird. That’s not what you wrote, I can see what you wrote and you’re claiming otherwise.

And when minority groups actually aren’t offended (i.e. 90% of Native Americans regarding the name “Redskins”), liberals still telling them that they should be offended b/c “we know what’s best for you” is another brand of white nonsense.

Ascribing a single behavior to only one race IS racism.

It is mind blowing how clear Univision’s position was and how confused half of the commentariat was about what liability means.

How on earth could you have just learned what a foul ball is in baseball?

Uh, if this is a “new baseball rule” that you just learned, you really have no business writing for a sports blog.

Hot taek: I couldn’t care less that Bonds used steroids, but he’s still an asshole who incessantly lied through his size 8 head and it is not one of the best and most welcome developments that he is back in baseball. I am a Padres fan who harbors a lot of jealousy and rage.