Any plans for a manual in the CX3? I would very seriously consider trading my 2 in for an AWD Manual CX3.
Any plans for a manual in the CX3? I would very seriously consider trading my 2 in for an AWD Manual CX3.
I got a ride in one at NHMS, I’ve never been more sad than when I had to get out of it.
What about during exercise for sports drinks? Drinking gatorade during heavy activity seems to hydrate me better and faster than just water. I do water before and after but during I have always thought gatorade worked better for me.
150 hp in a 2300 lb car sounds great to me. 100 hp in a 2300 lb car is not so good, ask me how I know...
I drove an MX 3 once (stick and that tiny v6) it had 200k miles it was $2000 and I still wish I bought that car. It was a blast to drive, I think I tried to get every one of my friends to buy it haha.
After I think 07 Mazda changed the design to make it much more resistant to rust.
But if it was Japanese it wouldn't require you to sell a kidney to keep it on the road for 5 years.
I was with a friend when he was buying a car a few years ago, the seller said the AC needed a charge. So we took it to a garage and we both saw a very noticeable crack in the compressor.
My family just went on vacation and we rented a minivan. It was a grand caravan and I saw a TON of them that week. They must be all rentals.
I walked by an X1 in a parking garage yesterday and thought this exact thing!
My uncle just had the battery replaced on his '09 535, and they charged him $500 for it.
Classic rally car!
There are a lot of examples where a car is a great investment, but it can also easily be a bust. Old Porsche 911s are often worth 10 times more than they were 15 years ago for example. Some can go for 5-6 million now and went for $200k 15-20 years ago.
As a current mazda 2 owner and an avid hiker, I think I would love this car. The 2 barely gets me into parking lots for some of my frequent hikes..
You should turn this into a post on oppo.
I think Doug already covered this one..
I don't want to dissuade you from getting one, but they are not reliable. I absolutely loved mine and I would definitely buy another one, but they have lots of problems. The tranny is relatively weak, the lsd is very weak, and it goes through suspension bushings like its it's job. It is practical though, I daily drove…
Had to get rid of my Speed Protege for that reason, wish I still had that car...
They actually changed materials in either 05 or 06 to prevent the rust problems, and I used to have a speed protege up until last march in NE so I know all about the rust haha.