
These jackasses hit an innocent bike rider, hit two innocent drivers, and we’re worried about the police car hitting the overturned stolen car? I don’t care. These thieves didn’t give up, the were disabled and not allowed to keep up their mayhem.

The 1994 Dodge Ram front end was a complete departure from what other manufacturers were doing with pickup trucks up until that point. While it is pretty ‘meh’ nowadays, it set a trend that almost all other manufacturers started designing toward in the years after and still carries on today, 27 years later.

I can’t stand this obsession with thinking people that make more money aren’t doing their fair share. In Canada, as a doctor I’m considered well off, but I’m the only person I know that pays 10% tax to the hospital, then another 50% on everything from 120-216k and 54% above 216k and then 15% sales tax on whatever’s

I consider myself a disillusioned libertarian.

So a mere 5% of the spending in the bill goes to fix/upgrade roads and bridges ($115B out of $2T)? The same roads and bridges consistently given failing grades by civil engineers?

Now playing

I like classic country but I couldn’t make up my mind so here’s two. The first one doesn’t have a car in the title but it’s definitely related.

1st Gear:

Typical lazy thinker who gets all of their world news from Gawker headlines. I’m in Ireland and can assure you that the problems with the EU are huge. If you are in the USA (won’t assume you are but it’s probable) then you wouldn’t have a clue what it’s like to have some foreign power control your country’s every move

Simple design, & not over the top. #DoItForDale

Looks like an SLK from some angles, and a Fiat 124 from the front. No angle is particularly congruous with any other angle.

I was going to pass on this car, but having seen these images, I now feel much better about my decision.

CT5, CT6, ATS, CTS, XTS....goddammit, I want the old names back. Gimme a Deville, Seville, Eldorado, Fleetwood, Talisman, even a Catera instead of this alphabet soup nonsense. Find this ONE WAY not to ape the Germans and I’d respect Cadillac a lot more.

Wonderful story and great write up.

Just because your corner doesn’t support him, doesn’t mean everyone else shares your views, which should be clear, he won. Get over it.

Your attitude is a big reason why Trump got elected, you know.

My Mazda6 is plenty grounded to the ground as it is, thank you very much.

Hate to see Mazda and Subaru(fuji heavy industries) get sucked into a larger company. Seems that the reason they have survived and done as well as they have is because of their independence. A large company owns them then they will end up making them to use the standard engine and platforms of the larger company which

Silly Akio, just because you guys can’t design sexy wagons doesn’t mean wagons aren’t sexy.

Debate over.

Well I guess I can kiss my dreams of a diesel 6 goodbye for good. I was hoping against reality that mazda would pull it off despite all the delays but if VW couldn’t do it without urea I doubt mazda can. And at this point, why would they? Diesel will be a dirty word to most consumers for some time to come now.