Maybe it’s a Hail Mary attempt to stanch the torrent of absolutely deserved ill will Rory unleashed yesterday with his now-deleted, utterly fucking tone-deaf, pissy little bitch comment yesterday.
I’m just impressed that ownership here allows these conversations seeing as how he’s opening up a competing shop.
It also feels like they’re the last two remaining “car people” here. It feels like there’s been a rotating door of writers, some of whom don’t even have cars and are more interested in injecting their activist views into everything that I’ve just been ignoring articles from names I don’t recognize.
David and Tracy ARE Jalopnik. Everything else is just filler until they post something.
It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks…
I would suspect Jalopnik would not link to a competitor
Same, Tracy and Torch were the only thing keeping this site in my daily rotation, so Jalop will be getting subbed out for whatever their next project is
Oh... I, uh, don’t know if I’ll still come around anymore much after this.
fair point, but nobody ever ran into a car parked on a highway shoulder because of patent misinformation. At least, I don’t think they have?
Yes, that was my first thing I did when I got it.
Is this when I get to use the PIT maneuver as a citizen? And then legally leave the scene of an accident as I wait for police at the next exit? No way I am leaving that guy’s car in condition to keep driving around shooting at people, nor am I sticking around after I’ve wrecked him out.. I’m fairly certain the law…
Your grandma sounds like a badass.
He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.
Blending the two ZJs will be great! I’ll have a rare, rust-free five-speed Grand Cherokee.
And I’ll be able to sell my beautiful 1993 five-speed.
Off to a bad start.
David, that’s a hubcap, not a hat.
BaT rejected my clean XJ.
“You peasant disgust me,” they told me, approximately.
If you’re farting out sooty skidmarks from the tailpipe, there’s something wrong.