
Honestly, getting lawyers and the media involved is kind of a dick move when the simple and logical move is to utilize the company you’re paying premiums to.

In many states (I don’t know about Texas) your insurance rates can go up if you make any type of claim - even if you were not at fault. Apparently, this makes it more likely statistically and actuarily that you may be filing a claim in the future. The owner needs to make sure somebody takes care of that as well..,

How else was it going to get back from the 99 cent quicklube?

Three of the most heinous types of companies in one story? Insurance companies, car dealerships, and Texas? Is it my lucky day? Should I buy a lottery ticket?


You could also get the Z26 with the Quad4 engine. Probably only for 1-2 model years though.

I remember when Car and Driver compared a Beretta, uh, Z-something, but it had the Quad4 in it. Anyway, they likened it to a then-current BMW M3. Based on HP, it wasn’t necessarily a bad comparison.

Call me when it’s a Corsica.

I only recently learned that the Corsica/Beretta was based on a modified J-body. For some reason I always thought they were N’s. Nice survivor Sunbird! Being a wagon fan, I always thought the J-wagons were pretty good at space utilization. I always thought a sick project would be a Cimarron wagon.

I have the best one, 94 Z34 53k mi

That is some well corrected paint.  Nice survivor!

THIS handsome gentleman would settle for nothing less than a Z-34. 

Normal-ass survivors like these are the best. It’s easy to forget the design language and trends of eras when the Luminas, LTDs and Grand Prixs have long since been crushed or rusted away to nothing.

Yeah until i learned how to get into them myself. Still needed help with the buckles though.

It was the moment my dad picked me up from middle school in his 1989. For context, this was roughly 2002, in the US. I hadn’t yet realized not every household had a diesel sedan with a manual transmission and pneumatic suspension.

People that say child rape and murder are part of gods’ plan need punched.

The popular Christian rock interpretation of “God won’t give you more than you can handle” comes from a place of privilege and, frankly, rarely being significantly challenged.  It’s easy to say “God won’t give you more than you can handle” when the worst thing that ever happened to you was your grandpa dying.

As a practicing Christian (and Ohioan), may I first say sorry for both of these things on this person’s behalf. We’re not all like this. Unfortunately, those of us trying real hard not being ignorant, bigoted crazy people don’t make the news.

For all the shit rightfully said and thought about this woman and how she should never be allowed in society again, think about the person whose front bumper is gone in that video. That person didn’t even have time for life to flash before their eyes. Talk about fucking insane, can you imagine just rolling into a