
That may be true! In her teenage years, my mom had a 455 Trans Am and used to regularly embarrass guys in stoplight drag races all over town. She also drove a stick shift better than any man I ever knew - and she did it while wearing high heels.

*raises hand*

Only if I lost the garage due to bankruptcy from fixing the S2.

Exactly. Until FCA gets their quality issues straightened out, they’re going to continue to have problems.

2010: My wife (girlfriend then) and I are sophomores at the local community college. Her grandmother decides to buy her a car. My wife didn’t really want a new car, nor did she want this one. At all. At the time, my wife was driving her great-grandmother’s former car, a ‘92 Pontiac Grand Am with (literally) 35,000

The impending knowledge that someday, probably in my lifetime (I’m 27), cars will be autopiloted zero emission soulless blobs that you do nothing but sit in. And then, the center hobby of my life will suddenly be gone.

Gasp. A dedicated hybrid model that actually looks...decent.

Gasp. A dedicated hybrid model that actually looks...decent.

Dang. I forgot to get my submission for this in on time.

I’ll say this. Even if cars become autonomous, I want my own. I’m not having some car come pick up my wife and infant son and take them somewhere when I don’t even know the history of said car.

There’s one about two hours from me in Nashville, Tennessee. Honestly, I’ve looked at their website and their cars are all priced decently. I’d buy one from them if I was in the market.

I posted something similar to this on the prior article but it applies here, too.

I broke that same exact part on my 2016 Mazda6. I’m 5'11" and 250 (working on that - down 10 pounds since January 17) and the dealer fixed it for free as a “goodwill” gesture. Now I kind of push myself out of the car with the steering wheel and raise up to avoid putting pressure on that side of the seat.

New 2014 Avenger.

Toyota ruined the design. The actual Mazda2 is a decent looking car.

It’s small manufacturers like Mazda that will end up possibly leaving the U.S. market.

I think this trade policy would just be icing on the proverbial cake. They’ve already been struggling for quite a while.

I have a Mazda6 and I bought it because we were trying for our first child. If Mazda leaves the U.S., I’ll replace it with a new Civic or Accord. My wife’s CX-5 will be replaced with a CR-V or a RAV-4. I don’t care for either of those but I trust them the most reliability wise. And the Toyota/Honda dealer here in my