
I have a 2016 6 because of our first son being born soon. I have already told my wife if Mazda leaves or looks like they’re going to leave, I’m trading for a Civic and a CR-V. Or an Accord and a CR-V.

Poor Mazda is going to be hurting even worse here soon. Hope they don’t give up and leave me with two orphaned cars with zero resale value, but I can totally see it happening.

But manufacturers will continue to do it and will just charge more for the products. Or discontinue the products due to low demand once the costs increase.

Trump is such an idiot. His rallying against foreign manufacturers building in Mexico makes no sense considering he makes his suits there. I don’t understand. I guess he expects every car manufactured in the entire world to be made in the USA?

New Camry = ugly. I tried to like it but there are too many styling details that are just over the top and obviously placed there for no purpose but to make it look “different.” It’s not as bad as the new Prius, but it’s bad.

I can see both sides. It’s annoying that he got the ticket since it was on private property. But the police are saying automotive thefts are on the rise because of this and that is making insurance rates rise, as well as crime rates - which seem to be a statistic people are only concerned about on paper.

Well, duh, they aren’t going to buy it. It’s not a crossover.

No. But the world today has evolved to where many things can’t be produced elsewhere because companies would have to cut into their precious profits to pay workers decently.

I suppose all cars should be made here regardless of whether or not the company making them is based here. Yeah. Makes sense.

Carvana has quite a few for pretty cheap.

Neutral: I kind of wish I was because incentives have to be crazy right now. But, my wife and I got my ‘16 Mazda6 in October of 2015 and still got a decent deal on it. We just had to argue a lot, which my wife is a pro at. :-)

My grandmother had a 2004 Deville before her current 2012 SRX and that old Caddy was a damn good car.

He was having some sort of episode. He shouldn’t have left the hospital without treatment but hopefully he can consult his doctor. I’m glad he didn’t hurt anyone else and didn’t seem injured by the crash. It’s crazy to see the airbags actually deploy when he hits the light pole and he doesn’t even react.

I see a ton of mid-’90s Toyotas, Hondas, and Nissans around here in Kentucky. There’s a ‘96 or so Camry or Accord on Craigslist with 250,000 miles at pretty much all times.

Everyone has their own experiences. Before that Malibu, I had a 1999 Pontiac Grand Am that I drove for two years and 30,000 miles with no real issues. And it’s still running around town today with over 200,000 miles on it.

Everyone has their own experiences. Before that Malibu, I had a 1999 Pontiac Grand Am that I drove for two years and 30,000 miles with no real issues. And it’s still running around town today with over 200,000 miles on it.

What I am saying is that my S10 is doing its GM thing and running badly longer than most will run at all. That Malibu has no chance of that. Too many majorly expensive things were failing at way low mileage.

I’ve already seen videos and lots of talk about the 1.6 Ecotec having major blow by issues at 10-15k miles.

What was hilarious is that when my wife first got the 2006 Malibu in 2008, we were in college and still just dating. My 1999 Grand Am I had at the time was miles ahead of the Malibu in reliability and build quality. Which was shocking, considering my 1999 Grand Am was a...Grand Am. It was like GM went backwards.