
“Basically the more you use your EV, the more credits you get, because any miles done on an EV are miles not done on gasoline.”

....they still cause the same amount of wear and tear on the infrastructure - so how do you fund that if the cars don’t pay a gas tax and you’re giving them money for driving an EV?


..looks at car, reads thread.

So, selling this thing without the emissions stuff is a potential 25k fine, and techincally, they can’t legally list it or sell it.. (but you know, it’s Texas.. so)
Car failed to sell on BaT and only hit $17k during the height of the market.
Car listed for 27,500.

These guys if they get

Careful with purist arguments, 98% of the damage the SIMS allow would end your weekend, cost thousands of dollars and take weeks or months to repair. You don’t really want realistic physics either.’s because not all car games are racing sims?

The real elephant in the room is that physics cost processing power for your CPU and GPU.

....if you really want to see what a robust Physics engine requires for “realistic damage” go play the MOST detailed car physics game there is: Beam.NG Drive. 5 minutes in that

The Geo version was the “Storm”. Also agree, these came out right as I started driving and I wanted the Storm so bad - then I test drove one and noped right on out of there and got an S-10 instead. 

We chucked that “T” into Boston harbor too.

I currently play Horizon 5.
To be honest, watching the trailer all I could see was the stuff that bothers me about Horizon 5 right now. Yeah, it’s pretty. The car selection is huge, the handling physics will be the best Motorsport has ever had, but that’s it.. the rest will be largely what Horizon 5 is right now.

As a daily driver or something actually used as a car, probably ND.

....However, that isn’t what this car is really for or about at this point. This is a solid price for a unique car with a cool history and if you watch car collectors or auction shows at all - these are all big money things for cars to have as part of’s especailly entertaining when you consider most reviews of Mazda3 around here call it “not sporty enough”.  :P

I’ll NP it just for the cheap grins it will provide... but FFS, CLEAN YOUR ENGINE BAY YOU HEATHENS!!!

3rd gear:

Isn’t is great when a law lobbied for and passed by 3 car companies all HQ’ed in Michigan back in the 1900's is still strangling their own industry today?

Good times.

This slide show only really needed one slide to cover about 80% of cars that made the list: “Out of warranty German cars”. 

Since you care about the environment enough to consider an EV

It’s almost like most electricity generating stations in the USA run on some sort of fuel, perhaps one made from old organic materials - and when one commodity goes down, the other rises, and prices in line them.

People ticking ND on this one have clearly never shopped for one of these things... 15k for a good looking example with only 114k miles?!?!?! This thing is a STEAL folks.. go ahead and find me one of these in better shape with less miles for less than this.. go on, we’ll all wait as you don’t find a single one

Trying to find an AWD wagon that meets all these requirements is worse than a needle in a haystack, it’s more like looking for a piece of straw in stacks made of needles.

Good luck, Marshall, please let us know if you find this mythical unicorn you’re hunting.

These things were over priced before the used car market went bonkers.

So many NP/ND cars look like the sellers got p.o.ed at the car that day because it did something stupid, and decided they were done with it, and took some snaps and listed it. Others claim these come with good care and service histories, then the under the hood shot looks dirty, with debris all over the sills and

Cars for sale that are at or over major and well known maintenance windows.
e.g.: Subaru’s for sale over 100k that haven’t had the timing belt replaced.

Not that it means ‘don’t buy’ in some cases, it might become a bargaining chip.
Knowing how many people simply ditch cars before major repairs or maintenance are