
There have been numerous studies that show “moving with the flow of traffic” is the safest regardless of speed. Your argument is making the false assumption that if people just drive slower, no one would die, and there would be no accidents, and that is bullshit, disingenuous thin blue line propaganda.

Nice book.

You know, you could just admit you have no fucking idea that you can click forward and backward in street view.

I should also add: It is then without irony that Buick seems unable to draw the contingent of grey-hairs that were their bread and butter away from Subaru with the TourX. Instead, they market it like an SUV to people already looking for SUV’s who have gone beyond the Outback for the same reasons they aren’t shopping

The only thing that moves Subaru buyers to other brands is Subaru. Eventually, the kool-aid loses its sweetness.

For me it was 15 years and 8 head gaskets across 2 cars, several axles and the realization that - for as great as these cars handle - that literally is all they are. AWD and Handling. Which don’t get me

I sent a friend to check out the TourX - and it was exactly how you described. They were all too happy to toss them in the car and let them take it out for a test drive, and they loved it! But when they got back, no one even cared, they just pushed them towards the other vehicles with “these have better discounts!”

Hey troll - did you miss the part of the story where the guy ADMITTED to doing it? What does the FBI have to raid him for? HE ADMITTED IT.

Good thing that has a bed. You’ll need it for all the crack you’ll be hauling around if you pay $4500 for that.

None of those things make it easier for me to finger fuck my cell phone while driving, and thus they are all crap.

Like I said, everyone else can fuck off, do as you please, then you can fuck off and I’ll do as I please, eh?

Equally: I don’t care that your car can’t handle some fucking road wear, that doesn’t give you the right to stay in the left lane.

Ever heard of these things called “Mile Markers” ?

Aside from your weak ass straw man you had fun lighting on fire, You didn’t refute my example at all - that Focus had no fucking reason to be in the left lane for two miles. None. And we all fucking know that is 98% of the shit people mean when they say “lane camping”

Except doing one means you’re impeding the flow of traffic. The other means you’re not, you’re just getting through, and out of other peoples way, but why am I not entirely shocked that someone seemingly advocating for their right to hang out in the passing lane to spite speeders would think this way.

You go Highway

That might make sense if the Big 3 didn’t already offshore as much as possible because the cost of labor in the most wealthy nation on earth generally precludes everyone else on the planet from affording our shit.

HIGHWAYS - no one is talking about surface streets here.

If you pay attention to the signage, it’s technically YOUR job to merge, not their job to let you.

I do get what you’re saying, it is aggravating to have the left lane wide open, yet people hang out in the right lane as you’re entering the highway.

Whats the difference between 75 mph and 80mph in designating who has the right to do whatever the fuck they want?

“I’m not waiting for you, you have to wait for me.” Same selfish bullshit.

Get up to the flow of traffic, complete your pass, and get the fuck out of the way.

Have a star you magnificent courteously driving bastard!

I love George, RIP - but.

If everyone is going the same speed, then it would be wall to wall traffic in all lanes, and or everyone should be in the right lane - because everyone is going the same speed all the time.

Ie: it’s totally possible for every single car to go exactly the same speed at all times on a highway.

No, it’s not hard, it’s not arbitrary, it’s easy. If you aren’t right next to another vehicle going slower than you are, you should be in the righthand lane.

I am 100% all for restricting driving more like it is in the EU - it’s a fucking privilege, not a God-ordained right to own and operate a car. But you know FHREEEDUMB! Our pay for play drivers ed system is a fucking joke - put up your cash, get a pass get your license - actual learning how to drive doesn’t apply

Get the fuck over, asshole - you’d expect the same of anyone in your way wouldn’t you.. why should they return the favor if you never do?