Mazda Eric

What's a few million between friends? And I know why The Big 3sum is waiting until 2012 to pay back their loans - they know that is when the world will end! Very strategic!

So this is the car lovers version of @LTDScott, Porcubimmer pilot: damnit i wanted to get the will it blend comment! curse you sir!

They shouldn't complain, the GPS probably get them to their original whorehouse and yanky-cranky shop destinations unharmed. Shesh, some people you just can't please!

i'd hate to see what that guy's packin down below

@jduffy13: I'm shocked that line didn't win her over champ ;) You get an A for Effort though, just no C :P

They make it seem like Chairman Tata is the Jack Bauer over there trying to warn everyone.

god I love fleshbot...oh wait

Hahaha - it's funny cause it's true!

@Gray665: yeah i have to say those 360 offers do not see much different than what is normally offered in any retail store. the $199 xbox bundle is almost the same as the arcade bundle normally offered, isnt it? except maybe an extra (crappy) game or two - and 149 used xbox? isnt that about the same or more than what

((looks at picture)) how big was it nancy?

Couldn't they just go for Ben Martin Wentz or something not insane?

@Turkina: no,. i dont like that starbucks rubbish...but i mean give me a break - they put a Z in it?!!?

wait wait wait, i'm're saying that a politician said one thing to further gain attention in certain states for his numbers, then only a few short months later completely said the opposite?? how, how can this be?

A few things I'd like to point out:

I don't know if I agree with the Ford Fusion, isn't it just the new Taurus (yes, I know there i a new Taurus X, but that's just because the rebranded Freestyle didn't go over well) - honestly though the new mustang, for all the shyt i gave it and ford, looks pretty fantastic, and I'd probably buy one if i could afford

@jchabotte: was there a pencil in the glove compartment with his teeth marks on it?

I think they would prefer White truck nuts...

This is my new favorite Jalopnik photoshop :)