Mazda Eric

Sports Illustrated - GM White Collar Edition or the issue featuring the only layoff-proof employees at GM

And will these Greyhounds of the future come with headrest mounted neck guards?

Those Bang Bus people are getting really experimental with production design


so which of the drivers asked the other if they any grey poupon?

"I blame the blacks"

This thing should be running moonshine across the border of southern states

I am always surprised to see a Ford living past the age of 20 - great find, a beautiful car that makes me think of old episodes of Chips or Hunter...or TJ Hooker!

@Triborough: christ man, i was just doing a parody - it is not supposed to be politically correct or historically accurate!

The problem with this real life trial is where are you going to get away with this outside of a race course on a weekend run? I mean, without ending up like some of the totalled Godzilla's we've already seen on Jalopnik.

"It's 802 km to Tehran Iran, we've got a full tank of petroleum we're overcharging the rest of the world for, half a pack of chutney, it's sunny out and we're wearing turbans..."

God that is friggin doubt about it. Making me rethink my opinion of American made automobiles.

To quote Jason Lee from Clerks 2 - "Ooh, sick burn"

I'll admit - that one shot of the read lights driving in the desert - Makes me like this car A LOT. Will def. be more excited when I actually start seeing them in person or on dealership lots.

He was trying to run away from Lindsey Lohan...

That red cross vehicle pictured above does not look very hurricane proof - looks like the satellite dish would help it lift away in a twister...WWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

The Fords in X-Files had more "character" than the stars of the film

Circles & Jug handles - I had to explain to my girlfriend yesterday (who is originally from Ohio) how Jersey is one of the only places with both these phenomenons. Driving in the Buckeye state, I get very confused how you can make a left my moving into a left turn lane off a highway and not have to make a RIGHT to a

East Bound Snowman - good luck brother