JohnRiccitiello? The former EA CEO who over a decade ago proposed charging people to reload their weapons in an FPS? Sounds like Unity knew who they were hiring.
JohnRiccitiello? The former EA CEO who over a decade ago proposed charging people to reload their weapons in an FPS? Sounds like Unity knew who they were hiring.
It wont surprise me that eventually the Republican party is eventually totally gutted and that there will inevitably be a split which causes this. First it’ll just be Maga party and Repub, with Democrats being the alternative, but eventually I see the Dems just being the next Republican party of the 70s-00's but they…
Does it hurt to be so plainly, publicly wrong?
Indeed. I always wonder ‘but what if the money spent on all these 16K texture packs had been spent on polishing emchanis so the game was, y’know, fun. To play. Instead of just impressive to look at.
Crime per capita is actually quite a bit higher in red areas.
Not to mention the part in Leviticus, literally the page after the anti-gay one, that goes something like “be kind to the foreigner amongst you for you too were once wanderers of the desert.” “Thou shalt not lie with another man...” is Leviticus 18:22, this is 19:33.
Multiple people can be pieces of shit. The Chicago cops are pieces of shit. Abbott is a piece of shit. You’re a piece of shit.
“accused of raping a teenager and impregnating them. No age was reported.”
100% under 18, likely pretty far under. If the person wasn’t, they’d have been real quick to say an age to try to defend the cop. What cops don’t say is just as important as what they do, and what I get out of this is “one of our cops raped a gir…
Don’t call people Nazis you lying, racist, woman-hating, seditionist Nazi.
We don’t want a list of gun owners just in case the state decides to persecute gun owners, now let me make a list of LGBTQ+ people and abortion seekers.
Certainly feels like they are at least building the conditions to enact a genocide. They’ve been dogwhistling the JQ for quite a while as well.
I believe the Nazis created a database (for lack of a better term) to track Jews in the camps, using IBM’s help. This is today’s GOP: looking at the Nazis and saying “they had some good ideas, there.....”.
I don’t think you read my message, nowhere did I excuse the actions in this article nor justify them. I was not even replying to you, as you can see I was replying to “SquidEatinDough” who said “Dismantle and stop there”, which is a ridiculous over-correction and would lead to even more problems in society.
Abirtio is a human rights issue. It should be discussed across the former Gawkerverse, not just Jezebel. Everyone needs to get on board. Why was this article not posted on, say, Gizmodo?
It’s still a valid point. A democrat that has some conservative views may be more electable in Texas than one with no conservative views. There are a lot of single issue voters out there (even though I don’t understand why anyone would be) those single issue voters tend to be focused on either guns or abortion. Once…
The public elects the party, not the PM.
Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.
Actually, democrats hung the nooses; the “hate signs” were protesting Hyde-Smith: