frau meixia, twitter troll extraordinaire

For me, the biggest shock is finding out the character you control is not the one you name at the beginning of the game; that character has actually been dead the whole time

Statistically speaking, that was me, because I was too young to know that Star Wars is SERIOUSBUSINESS and now have nostalgia for the Phantom Menace.

“I want my hat back” - Akemi Homura

Not only did I like the prequels, I liked Jar Jar Binks.

Honestly though, have you ever tried to save a burrito for later? It turns into something disgusting and mushy. I swear they have some kind of self-destruct mechanism.

The downside of this is that your burrito becomes too many calories for one meal. Enough to feed an entire starving village in some third world country.


Yo dawg I heard you like playing DOOM, so we put a DOOM in your DOOM so you can play while you play

Reddit is still a place where you can find a community of fellow racists, sexists, anti-Semites, or whatever form of ugly bigotry floats your boat. I’d say they’re pretty permissive of free speech. But they take action against a handful of subreddits that cross the line into outright stalkerish and abusive behaviour

Anstey wrote “We have a critically important job to do. To tell the stories, and cover people caught up in events, that need to be heard. To provide information that is trusted, that challenges, that informs, and ultimately that inspires. This may sound like great PR, but it is a fact.”

I liked the opening sketch. But mostly for Sexy Marco Rubio. Cos I like some shirtless Cuban and would vote a million times for that.

Counter-counter-point: This website is completely random. I’m pretty sure it’s just making these numbers up and people think it’s technologically advanced, because people also believe in astrology and Myers-Briggs personality tests. It also took me three tries to get it to recognise my face as human.

I love Nihilist Arby’s. It brings joy to my meaningless and short life.

I want to say I'm surprised but I'm not. The activist life is full of sociopaths.

Why is suicide the wrong decision? Suicide is the ultimate act of self-control and can be very powerful in some instances.

This story is really heartbreaking, but you know what sucks about this the most? That children are almost chattel who have no real rights. You can hit them with objects or deny them medical treatment and a complicit legal system won't let them do shit about it. The UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child? Forget

That's just last month.

Well, there is a hole to sit in...

If they really wanted to one-up this wanker, they should have painted FAGGOTS in glitter paint themselves.

I'm really excited about this game and can't wait to try it for myself. I really liked the music of the originals, the great Pokemon designs, the cute little towns and varied scenery, and playing those contests.