frau meixia, twitter troll extraordinaire

Those damn kids ought to pull themselves up from the bootstraps!

Red Pills, please. The problem with the whole "alpha" thing is that there isn't any actual evidence for it

The colours! The colours! My body cannot handle the fabulous colours!

That might be true, but most of the white families left of their own volition, which meant the end of that old culture. The people who live in these places today are part of a living culture and active community, and newcomers with more influence are able to have their way at that community's expense. It's not just

He may not be as good looking as Chris Hayes, but I totally have a crush on Anderson Cooper now. Because taking on bigoted old white dudes from the crAZy state is hawt.

I just watched a Youtube video and was not tripping balls on shrooms, right? Because that. Was. Bizarre.

Honestly, I think there aren't so many trans people that it makes much of a difference, but there is a pretty wide diversity in the proportions of women's (and men's!) bodies regardless. I can think of a number of women I've known who have very narrow, straight shapes, and I'm pretty sure most, if not all of them are

I am literally squirming right now.

They have such great chemistry together. Honestly, I think I'd enjoy watching a show that's just Seth & Amy Talking.

Alec's just following A-B-C. A - Always. B - Be. C - Conveniently the victim.

Big Milk? Ha ha. Have you considered that maybe Big Sausage is responsible for all of this?

Of course, this assumes that anyone was actually watching Piers Morgan to begin with. And no, 73-year-old men who drifted off to sleep at 7:51 with the television still on, and media pundits who watch other news shows to engage in some kind of metacommentary don't count.

But seriously, does anyone expect Good Submissive Christian Women to read a website named after Jezebel? The Jezebel? At the very least, it's unofficially feminist just by virtue of the readership.

It's made of brass? That must have been awkward to carry around. Oh yeah, I carry all of my stuff around in a bag made of freaking METAL.

And on divorce, you get your fingers chopped off?

My ex-boyfriend gave me a claddagh necklace once. I think I still have it, but don't know where I placed it.

Somehow, I can't imagine this bear doing anything dominating. It's just too sad looking, as though it might start crying at any moment.

So, you put "music" in "scare quotes" to make sure we all "know" that because she isn't "punk", this isn't "real music". How "original".

To be honest, most white people probably would be okay with that, because there isn't a history of systemic discrimination against white people by other ethnic groups.