frau meixia, twitter troll extraordinaire

Which genius came up with the idea of celebrating this holiday by pretending to be black and acting out every bad black stereotype? Let me guess — these are the same people who feel like they "need" to celebrate 5th of May by eating tacos and wearing a sombrero.

Let's say I was about to go to work, and just needed to finish getting dressed. I went back to my room and saw this scene ... *cough cough* I think I'm going to need to stay home today.

The models! They all have the same face!

I'm almost convinced that Sarah Palin is just a script on a website somewhere that puts random right-wing buzzwords together into sentences.

You know who I feel bad for? The poor souls who will have to spend their whole day on video editing software doing nothing but looking at dicks.

I've seen the covers of DVD releases of the old Charlie Chan films, which acknowledge the yellowface and racist stereotypes used as a product of that time, but that they're making the films available for people who want to see them.

A tiger lily is a kind of flower, some of which are native to the Americas. However, I'm not aware of any tribes who had princesses.

Okay, first of all, Dick Swaab? That's a real name of a real person and not some kind of porn star?

There's a beautiful memorial near an intersection not far from my place, which has been kept up for several months with fresh flowers and even lights. I couldn't imagine some jerk doing this to it.

I don't want to read through the story again, but there was a part where the reporter went to Dr. V's associates, telling them basically that she used to be a man and asking how they felt about it.

It's kind of tactless for a reporter to go around sharing personal secrets just to see people's reactions, especially those of someone who is not a public figure and didn't want to be.

Somehow, cruise ships seem to have the worst part of air travel (being confined in a vehicle with a lot of germs) without the convenience (speed).

She looks good before and after photos were edited, so whatever, I guess. I'd be more offended if these were her private photos than the same ones that were in the magazine.

China doesn't have a fully-developed social services system right now. There is actually fairly decent services for a poor country for mothers and those first children after birth, which couldn't be offered if every family was having an average of 5, as in the 1970s, and family planning services are much better than

Well, sort of. The rural culture wants boys, because they're expected to help the family out with farming (although they often in reality leave home), but sex-selective abortion has been banned for a number of years now as the government tries to change that culture. City people are better about this, though.

It's strongly discouraged to have more than one for a good reason though. I'm not going to say I approve of how the policy is carried out, but China is a very crowded country and would be facing a huge disaster in making sure everyone has enough to eat and dealing with sanitation if the population growth rates of the

This "think of the children" mentality really bothers me. There are gay youth, and not providing them "propaganda" in effect means not providing them with support when they need it.

It's a website where people can comment on topics and post images anonymously, and is divided into boards each with their own theme. Because it's anonymous, posters tend to reveal their true nature, and so the board devoted to political discussion — filled with angry white men — is overwhelmingly misogynist and racist.

We don't need to wait for Limbaugh when 4chan /pol/ is already doing it.

Be careful! There are some women (like me) who are tall and won't stand for you depriving our shorter sisters of said levers. You may just find your entire wardrobe replaced by something pink and glittery one day.