Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant someone taught to wince.
Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant someone taught to wince.
“It’s why she thinks she’s needy. Because, duh. That’s pretty much what you told her. Wanting someone to love =/= needy. Wanting someone to love you back, you know, just once isn’t needy either.” - this. As a fellow needy, crazy person, Jane’s response pissed me off to no end as well.
You are right!!! We have to assume the mom knows her son is married and has her freaking grandchild.... Hmmm.... This is intriguing. Unless she was introduced as a “friend” somehow. Or this guy is a lying nut job playing every person in his life for some sick reason. I was married to someone like that, so it’s…
I disagree in part to the answer to Knuckles Deep: If she’s enjoying herself, then yeah, marriage might not be the endgame. But if that’s where she would like to be headed, and he won’t acknowledge that and affirm it, he’s not really “all in” on their relationship. He’s not saying, “I see your point but I don’t really…
Possible outcomes:
Yes, thank you! I was surprised this didn’t come up because AHole’s philandering does put Mrs. Hole at risk.
I can’t think of other situations in which you are allowed to blow up another person’s marriage, but I’m sure our commenters can come up with some.
Am I wrong in kinda wanting the girl who used to date A-Hole to absolutely nuke his marriage? I mean, how else will he learn anything??
Long ago, it was published that slotty thing is to allow for expansion to create pouch of sorts for all sizes and shapes, not to be used for evacuation or release.
They don’t call it a “job” for nothing.
Wait...what?? I always thought those flaps were purposely made too small to fit even a flaccid penis through....Huh. Interesting.
...heh heh...I’ll be waiting over here on the heart-shaped vibrating bed ladieeeesss....
Everyone who’s ever received a blowjob while standing up and dressed knows you pull your underwear down all the way, you don’t just bring your junk up over the elastic band.
That’s the part that bugs me, too. It’s an engagement photo, not a wedding photo. It doesn’t make sense.
Why is she wearing a wedding dress for an engagement photo?
Just get Tyrese to play Samantha in SaTC3 since he has some free time now and everyone is happy!
Tyrese, if it’s not enough that you’ve been freebooting on Facebook, that you accuse The Rock of not following some bro moment you imposed on him?
Nothing about this surprises me & am glad that The Rock ignored his texts so he can show himself. He needs to handle his family business, that child didn’t ask for him.
The Rock to Tyrese:
Gahh. What is with the sequel dramz lately? Between SATC and F&F there’s a lot of C-list-I’ve-hung-my-hat-on-one-thing-millionaires whining.
“The Fast and the Furious cast is getting a little older now. They’re more like the ‘Spry and the Slightly Peeved’.”-Kevin Neelon