
nothings keeping them from doing the movie unless Samantha is a major plot point. Knowing her they could easily rewrite it so that her funeral is a part of the movie. Besides what would the movie be about anyway? Carrie going through IVF treatments? Charlotte single again and hating it?

That’s the saddest detail of all: they’re convinced fans want another movie. The first one was so so. The second one was terribly offensive, and I feel bad for Kim because she had to act out that shitty dialogue.

Martha, you picked a really bad time to talk (again) about your awful experience in a minimum security prison. You likely have done a dozen other things that were just as actionable; you just always got away with it. Take all of your money and shit and go sit down.

If you express total confidence in someone who just called you a moron, then that unambiguously proves that you are a moron.

I call Friday 6 pm for Tillerson in the Cabinet Deadpool.

It’s about disenfranchising *liberal* women - poor, young, single, black. White/wealthy/Christian/married, then you’re one of the elect and can be forgiven for whatever you do.

I’m not a woman

Celebrities with a significant following and platform should be fined for making wildly inaccurate speculations. What is this horse shit:

I think *all news* should be at least 30% cute animals and kids. Like, there should a section on terrible things Trump did today, an equally long section that’s just kittens playing together and then taking a nap, followed by a section on the latest disaster.

My son is half Asian and I am so here for positive Asian male role models for him, and yes this also means sexy Asian male role models for him, which is kind of jarring to say since my son is in 4th grade.

As a cubs fan, I agree. We’re paying for the level of joy we felt, because god knows I haven’t gotten close to it since.

We’re all safe from any impending doom if it’s up to the Twins to win!

I LOVED this and read every single reply! It has to be one of NPR’s most liked FB posts ever.

We just didn’t realize the true cost of that win. I’d give it back, I swear I would.

I think he sprained a scarf.

I kid you not, as soon as the Cubs won the Series, I texted my family saying it was a sign of the End Times and Trump was going to win.

that’s somehow even more wrong than the cubs winning the series

I’ve gotta guess it’s Avatar you don’t like, since...

I’m going to hijack the shit out of this because i have shared beers with this guy (he’s a good friend of my brother’s) and although I knew that he was at the concert i didn’t know the whole story until today.

Good thing being born doesn’t hurt at all. Otherwise, babies would be screaming their heads off. /s