I may have to start liking gingerbread now just so I can justify making gingerbread houses and hopefully get to the stage where I can make one like this. Unless it would work with any other type of biscuit...
I may have to start liking gingerbread now just so I can justify making gingerbread houses and hopefully get to the stage where I can make one like this. Unless it would work with any other type of biscuit...
Chyna wanted to be a Kardashian so badly that she even went to same surgeon as them, by the looks of it. Tyga traded the cheap car boot counterfeit for the authentic product when he got together with Kylie.
Rose and Emelia are apparently very good friends too. So extra awkward.
And here I am defending Kim K. (everything else in our universe is ass-backwards, why not this???): if you’ve gone through the agony of infertility, anyone who gets knocked up easily/by accident is basically a personal affront to you. It’s not logical, it’s not reasonable, it’s not fair or right, it’s not that you…
Most of you have probably already seen this but for those who haven’t, this is the single time it’s appropriate to use the phrase YES KWEEN:
I’m not so sure someone has told him. First, the concept needs to made into a cartoon and then it needs to make it into his large print Reader’s Digest 2-pager of current events. Second, can you imagine how he might react to the news that there are 3.5 million more Hispanic Americans than he originally thought? Nobody…
likely opposition from Sen. Susan Collins.
If I were Hillary Clinton and lost the election I would just retire to a long third act of trolling Jets fans on the NFL subreddit.
The guy singing the anthem for the Lions/Falcons kneeled and raised his fist when he sang the last note.
Alabamian here! We always thank Mississippi for being a little bit worse than us, but yep, it’s shitpile down here.
Rand Paul is kind of a madman genius... he doesn’t vote for it bc it’s not bad enough. In doing so, he keeps his hardcore supporters thinking he’s not backing down but he also keeps his poor and sick constituents covered. If politics were Survivor, I think he’s final 4 for sure.
The real aliens in the voting system is AI & hackers.
What’s amazing is that a small bipartisan group was starting to work on maybe trying to fix and stabilize the ACA, and Ryan and Trump made very clear that they would not support fixing problems - that this clusterfuck is the only acceptable option.
What’s amazing is that ACA isn’t perfect and the Repiblicans could clean up if they actually tried to fix it even with a modicum of intelligence.
Spoke too soon...
I’m just going to say - I don’t care what’s motivating John McCain.
Next up:
- Trump tweetstorm against McCain, Paul, and Collins.
- Then against McTurtle.
- Then Trump calls for Senate to overturn filibuster rules. McTurtle ignores him.
Melania Trump planted kale in Michelle Obama’s garden today, which I guess is better than the alternative but like, I don’t know, please step off our leeks!!!!
Does anyone ever really doubt that Corey Bohan was abusive to Audrey? This chauvinist was oozing with privilege in every clip I ever saw of him.
I am getting major ICK from the Bilson quote saying that she makes being a “good girlfriend” her first priority in life.