
I think Dems in 2018 need to put out scare tactics when campaigning. Repeat after me: Republicans want to take away your health care. Republicans want to take away your Social Security. Over and over and over. This needs to be the Democratic mantra until Republicans stop trying to repeal ACA.

My ovaries are shocked. My uterus, not so much, it’s kind of a negative nancy.

So Ryan Phillippe is truly a dick confirming what I knew in HS that his character in Cruel Intentions was irredeemable before he died and whatsherface was better off with his diary and his car.

WHY THE FUCK do we use electronic voting systems. Tallying ballots is perfectly easy to do by hand, and using computers invites instant manipulation of any number of ballots. This has to be perhaps the stupidest-ever unnecessary use of computers.

Which is why she didn’t contest in the first place. By waiting for there to be such evidence (if in fat it exists, though foreign intervention at all could certainly be seen as point-maker) to file, she’s not seeming like a nag or a sore loser. Once it becomes irrefutable, then it comes.

One time we were doing a port call in Ecuador while doing anti narco missions for the US Navy/Coast Guard. A few of us singed up for this mountain/back country tour on donkeys (we wanted to get the hell out of the city) when about 2 hours into the tour our guide takes us past this giant field full of coco plants and

Yeah, sexism didn’t play a role at all. This is disgusting. He’s disgusting.

There’s only one scary movie people are seeing right now, and this ain’t It.

The first one combines two of my least favorite people in the world: people who invite parents to their wedding and tell them not to bring their kids and people who have more kids despite already having had to drop a previous kid on someone else.

I am ashamed at how relieved I am at hearing that someone else is almost as bad at sex as apparently we are too.

So in that second scenario, this person was experienced enough to even sarcastically remark on how they knew things were going to end up...yet still naive-stupid enough to go ahead and make long-term, expensive plans with this same person? Somebody’s not as worldly and street-smart as they think they are.

im all for the advice to #1 and #2. But I don’t like #3 advice. Sometimes I will do this with friends (me purchase the tix, they pay for food and alcohol or vice versa). If that’s the deal they made, “technically” it’s not her ticket but... it is. They just decided to split the costs another way. Find out if the girl

There was a show like this that I watched on satellite or one of the pre-on demand on demand channels years ago. It was a sex therapist that would have usually 3-4 couples on the show at a time, and they’d be given assignments each night and then filmed, and while the naughty stuff was blurred out, you still knew

Says you. It already made a really crappy movie.

Remember when people had to be talented, or at least somewhat interesting, to get a TV show? Seems like that was sometime back during the LBJ administration.


My sex tape would be more along the lines of:

In the immortal words of Doctor Gonzo:

I like short sex and short massages.

Literally my sex tape would be a nightmare. “STOP. Roll over. I’m falling off the bed. That hurts. Can you finish already?” I am shocked my husband and I are even expecting another baby with how bad we are at it now.