
Too late to edit. It was Alpha House. It similar in tone to Veep but about Republican congressmen. It had John Goodman and was written by Gary Trudeau, so it’s at least worth checking out.

Considering she hasn’t actually been veep for several seasons now...yeah, end it before it gets too long in the tooth. Though I do appreciate it breaking out of the sitcom formula by having the characters life actually shift.

I hope that the writers stay together for another show. Their dialogue rhythm makes me happy.

P.S. Amazon had a show that was similar to Veep called Alpha Males or something. It was surprisingly good. Not Veep good, but worth a watch.

Good Lord, going back to that article about Donald Trump’s lawsuit, which was a plot for Veep, which was posted on election day, was a depressing trip down memory lane. We were all so much younger and hopeful then..

“Ma’am, nobody chose to live in the Matrix. The machines rose up and placed humans in the Matrix so they could use them as a biological power source.”

Now playing

Ah! I love this show so much!! But yeah it is good time to wrap it up!

My kingdom to see Malcolm and Selina scream at each other!

I think Steve Carell and John Hamm should play brothers in something.

I was always under the assumption that her and Manson and all the others involved are more or less being kept locked up for their own safety. I doubt she would live more than a few months before she was killed if they ever let her out. Probably at the hands of whoever offers to open their home as a gesture of good

“I associate Carell with playing characters who are funny, sad”

Fuck her. She was old enough to know that participating in a double murder would have some serious consequences.

I don’t care if she’s dangerous or not (I mean, I do, but.) She got a life sentence for a horrifying crime and that’s what she should serve.

That’s the problem. Plenty of war criminals are also charming scamps at cocktail parties. It’s why everyone always turned a blind eye to their being war criminals.

Wouldn’t it be funny if Bale just took times of fatter and fatter people? Like he decided “working out is hard, and Oliver Platt will drop dead soon. And someone has to take those roles that were supposed to go to Philip Seymour Hoffman”

I keep seeing coverage of them here. I still don’t know who they are, and I hope I never find out.

Steve Carell is a highly underrated serious actor.

I’ve been thinking about climate change. Who would benefit from a warmer climate? What country has a vast amount of potentially arable land once the permafrost melts? What country benefits the most from an ice-free Arctic? What country benefits from having a climate denial proxy in charge of a major world power?

The OG pic, for reference:

Bonus: they can sell all their wedding paraphernalia to a couple of Lakers fans who also want a themed wedding.