
Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to

That’s not how open relationships work. She has to run.

Also, “he’s jumped straight to open relationship, which he feels will take pressure off of me” feels like some pretty rank gaslighting. Sounds like in about a year MVP is going to realize that her wonderful boyfriend was kiiiiiiiiiiiiind of a massive asshat.

Opposite note for MVP. Your dude will be deeply sorry when he finds out you could have a revolving door of lovers at your beck and call. I swear every other story I hear of a guy wanting an open relationship ends in him finding out that you will have a LOT easier time finding lovers then he ever will. And once the

Lw1: That’s a lot to deal with, especially if you’re otherwise happy and want to make a long-term commitment. Pathological liars can be innocuous but lying is something they can’t help, and that tendency may affect you/your relationship one of these days. I’d put an end to this and go find myself some other, more

Who cares about snooty sister or polyamorous boyfriends?
Get that short-tempered, pathological liar out of your life, Letter One person.
Deluded people (particularly ones that get angry when you call them on it) are potentially dangerous people.
This is not some likeable tendency toward exaggeration, it’s full-blown

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...

Not only does Trump have extremely well-armed supporters but he has a fucking propaganda arm—-Fox News is legitimizing his victimization narrative. Add Breitbart, a couple of million Russian trolls and bots and we’re in Timothy McVeigh territory.

I read a sailor describing his watch/sleep shifts during a typical week and it’s pretty bad. They (at least he) get(s) very little sleep - that might be part of it.

But she did win the popular vote! So many things worked against her — misogyny, voter suppression, gerrymandering, the electoral college, Russian interference, fucking Comey, not to mention the hateful racism and bigotry of Trump supporters. And still she writes a book and will go out to talk about it. HRC is tough.

She made that comment about how deplorable Trump supporters are and she got so much shit about it even though we have seen now the depths of their deplorability. She could not win. Everything she said was and continues to be attacked. Left-wingers who thought she was not perfect for you: Look at the country now,

Yeah, people keep saying the DNC and the less knowlegable claim that the DCCC or DSCC screwed up. No, people, we screwed up. We let the years and years of the right-wing campaing of discredit of Clinton influence us and you know why we let that happen? Because she is a woman.

I guess, besides the schadenfreude, the one thing his hate rally had going for it was that it made more logical sense than this week’s Game Of Thrones...

But it would have showed that misogyny played a part.

I have a TON of criticism on HRC as a candidate

“Maybe I have overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while, determined to present a composed face to the world.”

Every woman who’s ever been sexually assaulted - or FEARED an imminent sexual assault - knows this feeling. And we all know the second guessing of ourselves that follows. I have a TON of criticism on HRC as a candidate but THIS is not among them. You do what you can, when you can and you gotta trust & believe you did

It’s like the episode of The Office where Michael Scott gets up to speak at the shareholders meeting and tells everyone there’s a “top secret plan to save to company.” If Michael Scott were a bloated possum carcass, that is. 45* just gets up in front of a cheering crowd and says whatever he thinks will keep them

I was surprised how disappointed I was when they said it wasn’t happening.

Yeah I think only Beyoncé has her beat in the rigorously curated and ‘on brand’ department.