
For some reason, when you work for high-profile anti-LGBTQ politicians (and Cheetolini’s personal opinions don’t count, he’s letting Pence run things), it’s difficult to find talented hair, make-up, and fashion advisors.

She’s punched all of us in the face.

“I really like her style, and I think I could learn some moves from her for future campaigns.”


This is a mirror universe episode of West Wing, Facist Wing. Additionally, she looks like she couldn’t be bothered to fully zip up her skin suit.

Apparently some of the balls were open to the public and you could buy tickets to them So maybe they were Trump supports, maybe not, be we can all agree that Baio sucks and literally throwing punches is the answer in this administration. Sweet. Jesus.

The new’s networks ratings are down and everything is boringly sane and normal?

This is a crazy time stream we’re in. I wonder what’s happening in the reality that has Hillary as POTUS.

True fact: Kellyanne Conway was the knife he used to stab the guy.

The best part of this is that Baio now has to walk around with the knowledge that a petite blonde lady came to his rescue and everyone knows it. He seems like the kind of guy that would be really bothered by that.

Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi already share MLK day with Robert E. Lee day. I kid you not.

No, it will be celebrated by random women being grabbed by the pussy. I WISH I were kidding, I really do. ;-(

Shit, weekly! Let’s also band together with all other marginalized groups, and make a protester super-army, to protest on each issue on racism, police violence, LGBTQIA+ issues, xenophobia, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, misogyny, water and land rights. Trump wants everyone to be like one people? Sure. That can be done.

This reminds me that in Michigan, a group has held a peace vigil on the grounds of the state capitol every Friday since September 2001. There is precendent for this.

And Lee. Yep, great Americans.

I believe theres a couple southern states that are working on renaming King Day as ‘Great Americans Day’ and using that as a platform to honor Jeff Davis.

Funny, I felt more patriotic on the 21st.

Shit, bi-weekly!

A Trump Day would be celebrated by not doing any real work for the rest of our lives.

Annual Women’s March it is.